I'm seeing this movie later tonight. I'm not expecting to see a good movie, but I'm excited to see a gorefest, and some angry parents.
I am a HUGE fan of the original LHotL, so naturally, I'll be excited to see this one.
I'll post my review as soon as posble.
If you've already seen it, tell me your thoughts!
Friday 3/13/2009 at 07:44 PM | 39591
I will also being seeing this tonight. All the reviews that are coming in, are very potive. Even the AP gave it good reviews. That never happens with horror films. Especially, torture porn films.
Friday 3/13/2009 at 08:18 PM | 39599
Alright, so overall, I will give the movie a B.
1) Not enough blood and gore for my liking.
2) The parents almost seemed too young.
3) Krug was not NEARLY as bad ass as the original Krug.
However, the death scenes were neat, and the movie shows what adrenaline will make you do. Personally, if my daughter was raped, and nearly killed, I'd hack the people into little pieces, and then run those pieces over with a lawn mower, and then burn them.
Regardless, the movie was pretty solid. It was well put together, and flowed real well. It didn't drag on at all, and started off well.
The last kill scene was great as well.
I'd recommend going to see this film.
Saturday 3/14/2009 at 02:49 AM | 39653
Thats good to hear it wasn't too bad....along with HALLOWEEN; MANIAC and TCM; LHOTL is my favourite horror film. Its such an amazing film. Without the super 16mm; it being the 1970's and without Hess and Shefler I didnt see this remake having any hope.
From the trailer it looked like (as pointed out) the parents looked too young and Krug and Junior didn't have that same edge. I'll see it next week. Cant wait!
btw Keeterz...what kind of turn-out was there?
ny ghoul
Saturday 3/14/2009 at 03:14 AM | 39654
i wont be seeing this as i am against my favorite movies being remade and ruined every month
Johnny Bisco
Saturday 3/14/2009 at 03:37 AM | 39658
every month
Scary but so true
Saturday 3/14/2009 at 03:41 PM | 39690
Thats good to hear it wasn't too bad....along with HALLOWEEN; MANIAC and TCM; LHOTL is my favourite horror film. Its such an amazing film. Without the super 16mm; it being the 1970's and without Hess and Shefler I didnt see this remake having any hope.
From the trailer it looked like (as pointed out) the parents looked too young and Krug and Junior didn't have that same edge. I'll see it next week. Cant wait!
btw Keeterz...what kind of turn-out was there?
Well, I went to a smaller local movie theater, not a nice one, and it was about 3/4 full.
I suspect that if I would have went to Easton (one of our premier movie theater's) that it'd have been packed.
I think you should check it out. It's not as creepy, and upsetting as the first one, but it's still a solid movie.
Saturday 3/14/2009 at 06:35 PM | 39696
However, the death scenes were neat, and the movie shows what adrenaline will make you do. Personally, if my daughter was raped, and nearly killed, I'd hack the people into little pieces, and then run those pieces over with a lawn mower, and then burn them.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie...will probably wait until it comes out on dvd though, I really hate the theaters over here. I'll most likely see the original in the meantime :)
Sunday 3/15/2009 at 04:13 PM | 39791
However, the death scenes were neat, and the movie shows what adrenaline will make you do. Personally, if my daughter was raped, and nearly killed, I'd hack the people into little pieces, and then run those pieces over with a lawn mower, and then burn them.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie...will probably wait until it comes out on dvd though, I really hate the theaters over here. I'll most likely see the original in the meantime :)
Have you not seen the original?
I'd, personally, see the original first. It's better overall, and I think more disturbing. Wes Craven did a great job with both movies.
Tuesday 3/17/2009 at 06:10 PM | 39967
However, the death scenes were neat, and the movie shows what adrenaline will make you do. Personally, if my daughter was raped, and nearly killed, I'd hack the people into little pieces, and then run those pieces over with a lawn mower, and then burn them.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie...will probably wait until it comes out on dvd though, I really hate the theaters over here. I'll most likely see the original in the meantime :)
Have you not seen the original?
I'd, personally, see the original first. It's better overall, and I think more disturbing. Wes Craven did a great job with both movies.
I couldn't agree more. The remake was good but the original just has that snuff film type feeling. You have to see them both but if you only could see one I would have to say the original....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 3/18/2009 at 05:24 AM | 39992
Well, Booman and I went and saw the "LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT" remake the other day.
I wasn't disappointed however I wasn't blown away either.
It was entertaining and moved at a decent pace (so I wasn't bored to death).All in all I'm going to say that some parts of it were better than the original and some parts weren't as good.
For one thing, there was more character development in in the remake and a bit of back story.
Nice addition to have a brother who recently died (helps explain why the parents might be capable of doing this).
Also, the fact that the girl was an incredible swimmer helped make her survival a bit more believable.
Also, the stupid cops were cut and that was the part that I hated the most about the original so they get points for that.
Honestly, I didn't think the rape scene was nearly as intense as the original.
Also, I think in the original the killers were MUCH more brutal . . .forcing the girls to get it on and whatnot
. . .we don't see that in the remake.
The killers were much more psychodic in the original.Also, Mary survives in the remake so the parents don't go quite as nuts as they do in the original (which I think is too bad).
In the original when the dad is chang them around with the chainsaw . . . you could tell he was just mad insane.
However, in the remake he wants revenge but he never really snaps . .. well until he comes back and nukes his head LOL.
And as corny as the muc was in the original it almost added an unsettling vibe to the flick.
I remember feeling ck to my stomach while watching the original all because of this random muc that didn't seem to fit yet it somehow amplified film.
Pretty much, if you could take certain parts from the original and mix them with certain parts from the remake . . . you have one freak'n crazy movie on your hands.
I think you should go see it, most people (horror fans) will enjoy it I think.
Wednesday 3/18/2009 at 05:24 AM | 39993
Yeah, I was most pleased with the back story, knowing that she's a swimmer. I looked at my girlfriend when she was holding her breath under water and I was like "Foreshadowing!". Lol.
The cops were pretty much pointless in the original. I'm glad they cut them out. It seems like in most horror movies, the cops are pointless because they show up right when the part they needed to be there for, is over.
And I definitely agree about the killers not being as ruthless as the original, and I think that was the most upsetting part.
I wanted to see them smiling, and enjoying themselves when they are doing this stuff, like the original, where Krug and Sadie are just banging in the car on the way to where they are going. Not to mention, "Weasel", was much, much, more creepy in the original.
However, all in all, I was entertained. Horror fans should like this movie.
Wednesday 3/18/2009 at 04:19 PM | 40025
Saw it last night and i was pleasantly surprised. Not as bleak and ck as the original but they didnt pull any punches that were too out there. My biggest complaint wasn't mary living but junior/justin. He should have died and it would have been cool if they remained true to the original. When Krug turned around and his son had the gun on him we shouldnt have gotten the awesome "blow your brains out" scene.
The acting was well done; the kills were cool; As much as I loved the original cast and their look I had to be honest and think for a second....would two young girls in 2009 EVER follow Will Sheffler's Junior into a hotel room? probably not. lol.
I agree something was missed not having David Hess's score as well.
Overall I have to say I liked it best of all the remakes. 7/10!
ny ghoul
Wednesday 3/18/2009 at 05:42 PM | 40032
Hey guys we put a new poll up on the front page about The Last House on the Left, if you get a chance stop in and vote.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Thursday 3/19/2009 at 04:13 AM | 40109
Its not letting me vote for some reason....otherwise i would have said YES!
I'll try again later.....
ny ghoul
Thursday 3/19/2009 at 06:46 PM | 40175