Forums Horror Collectibles
Can someonehook it up with the Silver Shamrock theme in mp3

or wav?
DWN Productions Saturday 3/21/2009 at 05:10 AM | 40358
Are you asking if someone can hook you up with the lver Shamrock theme? If so, I can if you want it in mp3 format?
Sourfacedbastard Saturday 3/21/2009 at 05:21 PM | 40405
four sue man hook me up and pm me and ill ill hook you up with your name at thee nd of the credits of race war (also let me know the name you want to go by real name fake name i dont care) thanks dooooood
DWN Productions Sunday 3/22/2009 at 02:18 AM | 40490
Just sent you a PM.
Sourfacedbastard Sunday 3/22/2009 at 10:05 AM | 40530