Forums Horror Collectibles
Big thanks to Horrorbid and Horror Sanctum Studios!!!

Here are some pics of the amazing Crofader H4 mask I won here and would have had pics up sooner but with the birth of my daughter Wednesday I was a bit slow posting pics and getting this done. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. I can't say thanks enough to sam and horrorbid for this as opening this masterfully done piece was just the icing on my last few days as there is nothing better then the birth of a child and a mask on your doorstep. I'll be adding more pics to try and show the amazing details of the paint and hair. Sam you cerainly outdid yourself IMO.

cropsy Sunday 4/26/2009 at 09:39 AM | 44115
cropsy Sunday 4/26/2009 at 09:40 AM | 44116
Congrats on your awesome score!! And a big congrats to your baby daughter!! You must be having a blast

Take it easy bro! ;)
kaizu Sunday 4/26/2009 at 09:52 AM | 44121
i love seeing these masks. especially the Crofader editions.
DrenTheLiar Sunday 4/26/2009 at 01:23 PM | 44131
Nice! Congrats.

Klempo Sunday 4/26/2009 at 02:05 PM | 44134
Looking good man. Looking good!
quietonthesetstudios Sunday 4/26/2009 at 03:03 PM | 44141
Thanks everyone. It really is an amazing mask. I can't complain about a killer mask like this and especially within a day of my daughter being born. How could anything get better then that. Sam really does an outstanding job and can't wait to add more masks from him.
cropsy Sunday 4/26/2009 at 07:02 PM | 44158
congratulations on the baby and the mask. that is cool as hell!
joelsparks Sunday 4/26/2009 at 07:27 PM | 44160
That's cool!
Michael Aspinwall Monday 4/27/2009 at 09:42 PM | 44328