I find myself ung Netflix Instant alot and I'm glad that this section was added to HorrorBid. So I just wanted the Bidite Nation to know (incase you didn't already) that the follow up to Tom x's disturbing instant cult clasc, The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence has now been added to the horror library for instant viewing. Unfortunately I have yet to find the time to watch it, but probably will soon enough. Judging from some of the reviews that I've read and statements regarding the film,
I'm expecting a pretty darn disturbing movie. I'll you know my thoughts.
Just throwing this in as a de note,Hellraiser:Revelations has also been added, so if you're looking for a good laugh I suggest you check it out too, however we can't guarantee that you will every get back the time you wasted watching this turd.
Monday 4/02/2012 at 11:48 PM | 92067
My roommate was nice enough to share his netflix account with me..Now Netflix is going to think he is a pervert, cause I just might watch Human Centipede 2 tonight..
Tuesday 4/03/2012 at 04:51 AM | 92085
Thanks for the update. Been waiting to watch the new Hellraiser for awhile now.
Tuesday 4/03/2012 at 09:45 PM | 92100
I watched some of the new Hellraiser last night..Mostly, to make fun of it..I hated it...That asshole is NOT Pinhead.
Wednesday 4/04/2012 at 03:34 AM | 92110
Human Centipede 2 was actually a sweet fuckin' flick. (If you can get over the whole shitting into peoples mouth part)
It would've been a great horror film, imo, if it didn't feature the unnecessary "human centipede" gimmick. Completely unnecessary and gratuitous on the part of the filmmaker. It really didn't need it. It's still a good watch though. BOUNDS better than the first. (what a crappy little shit film HC1 was, but thats another story for another day)
Friday 4/06/2012 at 05:09 PM | 92190
First, I'd just like to say that I'm not preaching here in any way.
I don't care in the least what anyone watches, and this is mply my personal experience with this particular movie.
Hell, I actually paid the On Demand price to see it several months ago.
I have a morbid sense of curioty, and I admit that I was a little disappointed in the "tameness" of the first Human Centipede.
That being said, never before have I watched a movie that I had so much trouble tting through than I did during The Human Centipede 2.
In all honesty, about midway through this disgusting mess I was actually starting to question my humanity.
I was literally thinking to myself, "What the hell is wrong with me in that I'm continuing to watch this movie?"
This is the first time that I've ever had this kind of reaction to a movie.
If this is the reaction that the filmmakers were going for then I'll give them kudos for a job well done.
Saturday 4/07/2012 at 01:49 AM | 92216
Gummi interesting that you posted this. Being the HorrorBid guy I felt that I had to finally watch the original Human Centipede which I put off until literally a few months ago. I just don't get into this type of horror. However I was amazed at how much I enjoyed the first film. It was very, very tame and the plot and storyline including the doctor was put together amazingly I thought.
That being said after hearing the House of Horror Podcast review and talking to Joe personally on the phone I don't feel there is anyway I can t through the 2nd film. It just isn't something I can do anymore. When I was younger I could pop in "Faces of Death" and watch it. Now that I turned 30 I can't seem to do it anymore and squirm when I do. Good post.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Saturday 4/07/2012 at 01:55 AM | 92218
Hey Justin.
It's definitely a good call giving it a pass.
Very few things I see disturb me, but this one just made me feel dirty from the get go.
I'd imagine that it's about as close to a snuff film as you'll see without actually watching the real thing.
Saturday 4/07/2012 at 04:05 AM | 92225
Yeah Gum I think I'll be pasng on this. I saw this post and saw it on Netflix and liked the original enough that it did cross my mind but after reading your post it is pretty much the nail in the coffin for my foray into Human Centipedes. :)
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Saturday 4/07/2012 at 08:41 AM | 92226
got through half of the 2nd human centipede...just couldnt do it,not my kinda horror.
Sunday 4/08/2012 at 03:15 AM | 92264
Gummi, The killer being an absolute grotesque and the grainy black and white tone of the film heavily added to that feeling of disgust. Very claustrophobic and sticky feeling to it. If the director WASN'T going for that i guess a broken clock is right twice a day. I'd say it was brilliantly shot.
I have to ask though, what about the film actually made you question your humanity? Was it a certain scene or just the overall feel of it?
Again, my only problem with the film is the centipede gimmick. Could've been an excellent slasher, otherwise. Nobody wants to see that shit.
Sunday 4/08/2012 at 09:55 PM | 92277
Boo Man i wanna thank you for what you said; i felt alone in the fact that I too have noticed my tastes changing in the past few years. In fact, at first it sorta bummed me out cause when i was younger i could handle anything. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, or maybe it's because horror has to keep pushing the bounds in order to continue to shock a jaded community who have seen every way to kill someone, i don't know. All i do know is, I just don't have the stomach for the hardcore shock torture porn that seems to be popping up all over the place.
Hell, just reading the review that a fellow bidite did on the scenes in A Serbian Film took me a couple of days to shake off and get out of my head. I don't judge, and to each is own...But i think i'll just stick to my Zombies and clasc hack um' slash um's and leave all the poo to the next generation..lol
Monday 4/09/2012 at 01:32 AM | 92281
Gummi, The killer being an absolute grotesque and the grainy black and white tone of the film heavily added to that feeling of disgust. Very claustrophobic and sticky feeling to it. If the director WASN'T going for that i guess a broken clock is right twice a day. I'd say it was brilliantly shot.
I have to ask though, what about the film actually made you question your humanity? Was it a certain scene or just the overall feel of it?
It was just a feeling I couldn't shake having paid to see this movie knowing full well what was going to happen.
To put it plainly, I paid to watch people get sewn (stapled) together and shit into each others mouths.
The fact that a part of me wanted to see this, no matter how small that part may be, is what prompted the remark about questioning my humanity.
I realize that sounds a bit melodramatic, but it is what this movie made me feel.
On the plus de, I now know that I never want to see anything like this again.
Like BooMan and pokadotdaisy2, it seems that I've just lost my stomach for this type of movie as I've gotten older.
Monday 4/09/2012 at 03:28 AM | 92286
It was just a feeling I couldn't shake having paid to see this movie knowing full well what was going to happen.
To put it plainly, I paid to watch people get sewn (stapled) together and shit into each others mouths.
The fact that a part of me wanted to see this, no matter how small that part may be, is what prompted the remark about questioning my humanity.
I realize that sounds a bit melodramatic, but it is what this movie made me feel.
On the plus de, I now know that I never want to see anything like this again.
Like BooMan and pokadotdaisy2, it seems that I've just lost my stomach for this type of movie as I've gotten older.
I'm in no hurry to watch it again LOL. But i was more grossed out by the pretty much the whole film leading up to the centipede than i was by the centipede itself. The idea of the "Human Centipede" is just too ridiculous and over-the-top that i can't take it seriously.
I actually found it hilarious how the killer had no freaking idea what he was doing. It was a hack and slash job. At one point he was trying to follow the exact methods the surgeon laid out in the first film. He got frustrated and gave up on that in like, two seconds.
Anyways, this director is obviously just trying to piss people off, and he succeeded. But its really a shame because sans the centipede scene, he made a solid, raunchy little slasher flick.
Monday 4/09/2012 at 08:06 PM | 92312
Gummi is right, this in my opinion isn't even "Horror". Centipede 1 was indeed disturbing, but no. 2 is on another level. I'm 28 years old, idolize horror movies and find nothing wrong with watching any Jason, Freddy, Michael, etc movie at an early age. I started loving these flicks when I was around 7. Back to my point- The Human Centipede 2, in my eyes, should actually receive an award, because it is THE 1st film that I have ever seen that I would tell parents to not let their kids see. I'm being frank here when I say what kind of person do you have to be, to make a movie like this?? Not judging performance, but why even take a role where you'll be on your hands and knees, ass to anus, for hours; acting?
On a funnier note, I guess you gotta make your big screen debut somehow.
Wednesday 4/11/2012 at 02:27 AM | 92352
I remember a time when I saw something that made me wonder what kind of person I was for watching it..It was my friend's anime, well, actually it was Hentai..My friends are not perverts, but, when we were younger, they used to download a lot of hentai..Some of it was very ck and fucked up, and we watched it just to see how ck and fucked up it was. For the shock value.
I haven't seen Human Centipede 2 yet, but after the kinds of hentai we were watching when I was younger, I can probably handle it. I thought the original was going to be 100s of times cker than it was.
For fucks sake, they were selling it at Best Buy, so how bad can it be? It probably won't be as disgusting as that fucking Hellraiser sequel. I am surprised no one on here is bitching about that.
Monday 4/16/2012 at 05:36 AM | 92496