The Amityville house has sure seen a lot of action over the years and the hauntings never seem to quit. Now, according to The Asylum, we will be treated to yet another installment of Amityville haunts only this time ung the tried and true (cheap) method of a found footage film. Geoff Meed’s “The Amityville Haunting”, which stars Jon Kondelik and Luke Barnett, explores what happens when a young family moves into the titular abode. Isn't it great that they had a camera to film all these ghostly happenings. Right place at the right time and you to can make a movie!
“The Amityville Haunting” haunts its way to us on December 13th, 2011.

Source: ... e-haunting
Shakelford, J. Rusty
Sunday 10/02/2011 at 06:58 PM | 83656
They should stop making Amityville Horror movies. As the series progresses, the films get dumber and dumber.
Sunday 10/02/2011 at 07:02 PM | 83657
agreed I enjoy the amityvilles but the later sequels were really not that great and this just sounds stupid. Kinda reminds me of paranormal activity and the Blair witch project.
Monday 10/03/2011 at 12:16 AM | 83677
Well, I personally like all of the Amityville Horror sequels (even Amityville Curse) and thinks the found footage concept sounds great for the series if it is executed properly. For those who say "Oh, the sequels are horrible. Hollywood should just stop making them," no one is forcing you to watch them. If you don't like the sequels, don't watch them. It's that mple. Don't ruin them for those of us who do like them.
Demonoid Phenomenon
Monday 10/03/2011 at 10:03 AM | 83702