While this news is coming at you a little late, I still feel this is highly deserving of some attention. Full Moon has finally done what I have been wanting them to do for years: release a set of DVDs that they have the rights to and have never been released before on any digital format, with special features to boot!
From FullMoonDirect:
We've dug deep into our film vaults and unearthed ten rare and bizarre films! These films feature some of the most bizarre and unique clips ever recorded! The eclectic group of hosts and contributors are just as demented and depraved! Featuring names such as John Carradine, Sybil Danning, David Carradine, Elvira, Linda Blair, Don Johnson, and Robert Carradine to name a few! Redeiscover this lost collection of film gems
While they haven't released my REAL favorites of theirs (TerrorVion, Ghost Town, Prison, they have at least whet my appetite with one of my favorite cult clascs, Dreamaniac, as well as other titles like Zombiethon, Mutant Hunt, and FilmGore, as well as some erotic exploitation cult films. Click the image below to read more and place orders:
