Once again I am amazed at illustrator Mark Welser's degn work on vintage style movie posters. I own quite a few of these and just added this particular degn to my collection.
Although Jason Voorhees' famous hockey mask didn't appear until the 3rd installment, this first edition movie poster of the original film has a degn that screams 80's slashers.
This poster is 11x17 and a bargin at $20. These posters are created to have an old poster feel. The crease in the middle and the aged look is all hand crafted and meant to be there.
If you're a fan of horror collecting, posters or Friday the 13th in general this is a must have. Check it out below and as always a link to order is at the bottom of the page.

To order follow this link:
http://www.etsy.com/listing/61301101/fr ... tyle-movie
Shakelford, J. Rusty
Monday 8/15/2011 at 04:09 AM | 80661
Monday 8/15/2011 at 04:28 AM | 80664
I'm surprised nobody else noticed the glitch in the poster. There wasn't a hockey mask featured until part 3. This poster is for the first part. LOL
Monday 8/15/2011 at 07:42 PM | 80684
I'm with you on that bnizzle.
Friday 1/13/2012 at 03:31 AM | 89386
I'm surprised nobody else noticed the glitch in the poster. There wasn't a hockey mask featured until part 3. This poster is for the first part. LOL
The maker is aware of that (hockey mask) and made it that way on purpose.
shattered lens
Tuesday 2/28/2012 at 11:13 PM | 90900
I'm surprised nobody else noticed the glitch in the poster. There wasn't a hockey mask featured until part 3. This poster is for the first part. LOL
I was just gunna say....
Jason's mom, Pamela, was the killer in #1 and in #2, Jason wore a white bag over his head with an eye hole......
I guess that this could be a vintage poster for the remake though seeing as it had the iconic hockey mask in it.
Friday 6/29/2012 at 09:32 PM | 94106
Anyway... this is still a sweet poster!
Friday 6/29/2012 at 09:32 PM | 94107