This article is for all of you rabid horror collectors out there in the "Bidite Nation". We have pretty much every topic here on HorrorBid covered on a daily bas, or at least we try. From news stories to reviews and all that is in between but one thing we would love to see more of is horror collections, collectibles, costumes masks, figures, movies and anything that shows your love of horror and the pason you have for collecting.
What are we looking for you ask? Anything and everything that you have horror collectible wise. We will give you the most vibility on the net when it comes to showing off your hobby of collecting. All we ask from you is to post a paragraph or two about your collectible that you are showing off. Post images and or videos of said collectibles in the horror collectibles section of our forum and we will take care of the rest. We will then promote your topics to the main page of HorrorBid for the entire horror community to see.
What exactly are we looking for?
Step 1: Write a descriptive topic describing your collectible.
Step 2: Write a paragraph or two about what your collectible entails. How did you obtain it? Is it custom? Is it rare? What went into getting you into collecting and how much do you love what you are showing off? It's that mple.
Step 3: Post as many pictures as you like. Center the images ung the center button when making a post. Use a hosting te like Photobucket,, or any other hosting te you like. You can even reze the images if needed through these hosting tes.
Step 4: Upload a YouTube video if you like or don't, this would be optional. But the world would love to see videos we are confident. So if you go the extra step I am sure we will all enjoy it.
Step 5: Once your post is up all you need to do is wait for one of our moderators to view your post and promote it to the front page of HorrorBid. If you normally post on other forums or tes, share those same posts with us. We will show off all your hard work and money spent as best we can. "Bidites" love collecting and we are confident your collectibles will be appreciate by all.
We want to keep a steady stream of really cool collectibles on HorrorBid from now on. So don't feel the need to crowd a post with tons of your stuff. Pepper away with your collection pics and really focus on 1 item at a time if need be. We have nothing but time on our des.
Thanks so much and if you would like an example of a previous post to get the structure of what we are looking for as far as how the titles should be patterned, images should be centered and an example paragraph