Halloween is right around the corner! I don't know about you guys but we always go full out for All Hallows Eve. What's everyone going as this year?
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Tuesday 9/01/2009 at 04:59 AM | 53691
Tuesday 9/01/2009 at 01:08 PM | 53710
I am actually not sure yet. I have a wedding to go to that day and if it is out early and I can manage to get a Freddy mask before then I may go as him or maybe Myers. My brother is trying to put together a lil deal at his house to pass out candy and scare people so i may have to be a few people. lol
Wednesday 9/02/2009 at 12:29 AM | 53745
Monday 9/07/2009 at 08:52 PM | 54173
Switching it up this year:
Monday 9/07/2009 at 09:05 PM | 54180
I've got two costumes ready for Halloween, specifically my party.
I didn't want to spend the entire party in a full costume with a overhead mask, so I came up with the idea of starting the night like that and moving into a more "host" friendly unmasked costume.
So I will start the party out as Jason from the Remake, scaring people as they arrive...

And follow that up with my Ghostbusters outfit, so I can hang out with everyone without issues.
I'm taking a break from Myers this year, everyone always expects me to do the clasc standby like always... so it's good to break tradition here and there.
Tuesday 9/08/2009 at 06:34 PM | 54253
Love the costumes Dren and DarkArtist81.
Tuesday 9/08/2009 at 06:42 PM | 54255
Wednesday 9/09/2009 at 11:35 PM | 54345
I'm thinking either zombie or vampire....not sure yet
Thursday 9/10/2009 at 05:17 AM | 54367
Thursday 9/10/2009 at 05:34 AM | 54369
Debating between my soon to be finished Herbert(a) West - or a revamp of my freddy.
Thursday 9/10/2009 at 12:26 PM | 54376
I'd love to see the Herbert West costume.
Friday 9/11/2009 at 12:21 AM | 54415
I'll post up shots as soon as its finished.


is what I have so far on Dr. Carl Hill's head. Just modded (first coat painting, eye ball creation w/ red yarn thread veins, etc) this


John Kerry mask. Eerie milarity. I plan on carrying him around in a medical tray (if I can find one). When he's done the reanimation serum is next.
(de note: Not very good thus far - but baby steps in this whole mask stuff )
I may or may not pull out my female Ash (EDII) for an earlier party.
Saturday 9/12/2009 at 12:11 AM | 54500
Looks good so far Buddhaful
Saturday 9/12/2009 at 10:33 AM | 54529
I'll probably reuse my Donnie Darko (not Frank) costume if I can find the shoes
Saturday 9/12/2009 at 02:42 PM | 54540
Sunday 10/25/2009 at 02:24 AM | 57001




Didn't turn out how I wished. I'll try and re-do the face at some point later this year to have it in better shape for Spooky Empire 2010.
Monday 10/26/2009 at 10:52 AM | 57056
Tuesday 10/27/2009 at 01:46 AM | 57112
That last pic is awesome Lee!
Tuesday 10/27/2009 at 01:51 AM | 57115
Yeah Lee, that last pic is just priceless...
Friday 10/30/2009 at 01:56 AM | 57268
Probably no surprise to those of you who know me, but I am going as a Bettie Page veron of the devil. I have the curves and the hair, so I will be working it.
Don't know hat deathringup is going to be, but he is certainly looking forward to seeing the teen sluts. And don't forget to wish him a Happy, Hello Kitty Birthday. Yes, I am evil. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!
St. Pete Slasher
Friday 10/30/2009 at 04:47 AM | 57272
Sunday 11/01/2009 at 02:00 AM | 57339
I went w/the zombie...lol
Tuesday 11/03/2009 at 12:10 AM | 57418