You all have seen him on many of our promotions and logo's. Not much is known about this guy except he is slashing his way to the top. I don't even have a name for him so I figured why not turn to you guys to help give him a proper name and identity.....
What should his name be or should he remain mysterious? You guys help decide....

This wasn't going to be the contest for the Commander '75 JITB mask but we are a bit delayed on that so I am thinking the person that has the best ideas wins the mask. Sound fair? I hope so
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Friday 6/20/2008 at 10:58 PM | 13905
Ok... Alot of thought went into this Killer. I started by just staring at him and it was easy to come up with a few common Killer names such as :
1. Edward
2. Richard
3. Jack
4. Charles
5. Benny Boy
6. Razor
7. Kenny Krazy or just Kenny in general
8. The BoogieButcher
9. James
And than the more I looked at this Killer, and the more I thought about it, He really doesnt look quit like a human. He has the body of a human, but something about him was really dark and gloomy. Almost sends a chill up your spin the more you star into its eyes. So than it over took me as more of a shadow like type character. So I came up with a few Mysterious names.
1. The Shadow of Death
2. Death's Shadow
3. The Dark Lit Killer
4. The Unknown Slasher
5. The Shadow Stalker
6. The Shadow From Hell
7. Death's Angel
8. The Night Light Killer
I may have more Later on, but I wanted to submit the first set of Names!Lots of thought here!
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 01:38 AM | 13932
Johnny Bisco
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 01:48 AM | 13935
hahaha Not bad man! Creepy with a Comical de to it! Kinda Represents what we all stand for, no?
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 01:57 AM | 13938
i like earl
hmmm... How bout Johnny? Name him after our very own Slasher Movie Maker?
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 02:42 AM | 13947
I think he should remain nameless...much creepier that way
If you have to call him anything, mply call him The Shadow
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 02:46 AM | 13948
I think he should remain nameless...much creepier that way
If you have to call him anything, mply call him The Shadow
I had that in mind when I was doing the whole Shadow name thing, but I figured just calling him "The Shadow" would be almost a spin off of "The Shape"... Know what I mean?
Now what would be workable and usable could be "THE SHADOW OF HORRORBID" Now, That Leaves him Nameless so it's still Creepy AND also uses the terms of "The Shadow". Now it wouldn't be so much of a spin off!
Note : Would also look good under the proper Font, to go under or above the the figure.
Again, "The Figure" would be good, but once again sounds to much like "The Shape"...
You get the idea!
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 02:55 AM | 13950
[...I figured just calling him "The Shadow" would be almost a spin off of "The Shape"...
Know what you mean but take a look at the character...that's exactly what it is.
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:01 AM | 13951
i like earl
I like the nameless idea though...creepy...makes you wonder who he
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:04 AM | 13953
[...I figured just calling him "The Shadow" would be almost a spin off of "The Shape"...
Know what you mean but take a look at the character...that's exactly what it is.
Thats why I started with things like The Shadow of Death and such... Thats exactly what I seen him as... He's very Dark and Erie looking. Doesnt look like he's human. Looks Dark and Demented. A perfect Shadow of something dark. A Shadow... I understand Exactly where you are coming from! I just didn't want someone to be like, "Hey man, you are stealing "The Shape", thats a spin off" ya know? So I just went with the same term because I seen what you saw. A Shadow... I agree man!
I still say "The Shadow Of Horrorbid" sounds realllllllllly damn good and would look great on a T-Shirt!
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:07 AM | 13955
i like earl
I like the nameless idea though...creepy...makes you wonder who he is....lolShadow of Horrorbid, is nameless... He's just a Shadow of our Worst Nightmares come true. He's everything you ever were afriad of! (Stephen Kings -- IT)
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:09 AM | 13956
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:20 AM | 13957
its earl dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnny Bisco
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:25 AM | 13958
or Hank the horrorbid guy
Johnny Bisco
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:26 AM | 13959
or Hank the horrorbid guy
HAHA Why not Harold??? haha
Here we go Bisco!!! Can I get a Woot Woot!!!
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:38 AM | 13961
All is fair in love and war Fella's and this mask is on the line! I am stubern and determind to walk out a winner this time around!!!--Harry
I do have one more really kool name that I think sounds about right for his Facial Expreons. and the name is
Harry Warden
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 03:46 AM | 13962
The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man of Horror Bid?
Incubi of Horror bid?
Ragespawn, Deathghoul, Sanchez, Dr. Sanchez, Nanook, Drake, Otto, Vinnie, Chev Chillios, Mitsu, The Stig....
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 05:24 AM | 13975
Saturday 6/21/2008 at 02:06 PM | 13991
He doesn't need a name.
Doenst almost every Mascot have some sort of a title hanging over them? J gave us the opertunity to bring this Street Slashing, Machine walking, Shadow stalking Killer out of the dark! haha! Even if it isnt a derect name toward the character, it would be kinda kool to have something to at least refer him to.
As I said, Refer him to "Horrorbid's Shadow"... If the Character is Slashing his way to the top, it's not just him as the killer that is doing it. It is Horrorbid. It is EVERYONE involved! We all do our part in some form or another on here to make Horrorbid what it is. So... When you refer him to "Horrorbid's Shadow", He as the killer Represents all of us. No name for the character. Only a referance and a title that makes him stand for what Horrorbid really is!!!
Harry Warden
Sunday 6/22/2008 at 01:52 AM | 14011
Well guys unfortunately although many great names we decided not know his name might just be as effect. Even though Karl Kool and Ernest would make good names
I really thought the name Cutter sounded cool but at the end of the day he will forever be known as the HorrorBid Slasher Guy, pretty generic but that is after all what he is.
One day when we land a comic book deal, LOL, we will have to give him a name. With that being said I do have to pick a winner but unfortunately I forgot to mention this is a two part contest (hey this is for an enlarge Kirk after all
) Details on that will be posted tomorrow.
Harry your in the lead though my friend
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 6/22/2008 at 02:43 AM | 14065
SWEET!!! Once again tho, I just hope that the 2nd half of this contest doesnt involve Photoshop... I'll be screwed! haha Im excited to see what will happen tomorrow night!
Harry Warden
Sunday 6/22/2008 at 03:19 AM | 14069
No name is much better than a stupid name...let's call him...................
Tuesday 6/24/2008 at 02:27 AM | 14316
Tuesday 6/24/2008 at 12:18 PM | 14335
i know that i am a day late and a dollar short like always...but i always just called him "He who lurks behind the bids".
take care,
Tuesday 6/24/2008 at 01:50 PM | 14344
Matthew Mayhem
Tuesday 6/24/2008 at 02:59 PM | 14349
Tuesday 6/24/2008 at 09:35 PM | 14365
How about "Sam McCain Jr."??
Wednesday 6/25/2008 at 02:59 AM | 14392
only suggesting it because I can still run pretty quick
Wednesday 6/25/2008 at 03:04 AM | 14396