I didn't see one here on HorrorBid, and every active community needs one! This area is just a place to post pics of yourself and have some fun. Maybe a place to get to know each other a bit better and put some faces behind some of the names. Feel free to go nuts and show off all that personality that I am sure each and everyone of us possess. Now its time to get things started off right. Enjoy the content below and who knows when this will end, hopefully never! Let the fun begin!mply post your pics up!
I dont have anything super new, but heres a few and yes, i was once every bit as shallow as you may guess from these pics lmao...
bad ass kid, she NEVER wants to be anything girly!
haha - just gearing up to laugh at myself...
the important things in life
ah, youthful days when i was social lmao...
super douche!
man my earlier days provided some clear-cut douchey moments lmao
I swear to you all, there is more depth to me than whats portrayed! lmao
EDIT: Heres a few NEWER ones:
promo pic
lifes good stuff
more of what its all about
once upon a time i was a surfer
then i shattered my right leg, completely destroying a whole handful of bones, forcing me to learn to walk again good times!:
more family buness
this one reminds me of some forest gump buness! lmao