That's right. If you don't read or watch the news you might not have heard this story.
Apparently there are tons swash buckling pirates around every turn out at sea these days. I have been hearing these stories of pirates off the shores of Somalia. Well I guess these pirates took over an American freighter and held the crew captive for a ransom that often times they get. (yes thats right I guess more times than not this the ransom is just paid, they even take that into account when insuring these ships).
This time however I guess the US military got wind of this and Obama in his first show of grapefruits in the defense department ordered Navy Seals to handle the tuation killing 3 of the pirates and capturing the 4th. Saving the captain and crew of the ship.
I have to commend Obama on this, it could have been handled with a lot of talking back and forth and a media nightmare. But it didn't happen. Apparently they are saying he heard the story and ordered in the Seals damn near the minute he found out! GO GET EM BARRY!!!!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 06:07 AM | 42699
Being shot isn't good enough for thieving scum like them.
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 08:20 AM | 42706
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 03:59 PM | 42712
I'm glad they were able to save all the captives.
Michael Aspinwall
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 04:03 PM | 42714
When did this happen....I think I might have seen it on the news. I remember seeing something about pirates and laughing when I saw the supposed "pirates" and they're little blow up raft they were riding around in. Fucking bootleg pirates can't even steal themselves a boat....the crew should of beat the shit out of them and thrown them
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 06:43 PM | 42740
if Obama really had the testicular fortittude he would send the navy out to free the other 200 plus hostages these dickheads have taken plus the 3 other boats taken nce the rescue
Obama is just another Jimmy Carter pussy
Johnny Bisco
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 07:28 PM | 42744
if Obama really had the testicular fortittude he would send the navy out to free the other 200 plus hostages these dickheads have taken plus the 3 other boats taken nce the rescue
Obama is just another Jimmy Carter pussy
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 08:44 PM | 42750
go ahead and roll your eyes bro
if Obama was half the man you all seem to think he is there would be NO HOSTAGES right now NONE
they would all be freed and the pirates safe havens destroyed
Johnny Bisco
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:07 PM | 42751
I am rolling my eyes because every other post of yours, you have to constantly throw it in my face that you don't like Obama.
I get it...
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:26 PM | 42756
name one time i "throw" anything in your face specifically about the annointed one (minus this post
) you cant!
i stated my opinion and it wasnt directed at you. dont take things too personally
if i have to put up with people kisng Obamas ass then they can put up with me not liking him
and its not every other post its every 5 posts get it right lol
Johnny Bisco
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:33 PM | 42757
name one time i "throw" anything in your face specifically about the annointed one (minus this post
) you cant!
i stated my opinion and it wasnt directed at you. dont take things too personally
if i have to put up with people kisng Obamas ass then they can put up with me not liking him
and its not every other post its every 5 posts get it right lol
Im just fucking with you JB!
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:42 PM | 42759
name one time i "throw" anything in your face specifically about the annointed one (minus this post
) you cant!
i stated my opinion and it wasnt directed at you. dont take things too personally
if i have to put up with people kisng Obamas ass then they can put up with me not liking him
and its not every other post its every 5 posts get it right lol
Im just fucking with you JB!
right back at you!
Johnny Bisco
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:45 PM | 42761
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 09:46 PM | 42763
I remember seeing something about pirates and laughing when I saw the supposed "pirates" and they're little blow up raft they were riding around in. Fucking bootleg pirates can't even steal themselves a boat....
Swing and a miss...
That was one of the lifeboats they were ung to hold their hostage...they weren't ung a little raft as a pirate ship
Tuesday 4/14/2009 at 11:03 PM | 42770
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 12:52 AM | 42779
I remember seeing something about pirates and laughing when I saw the supposed "pirates" and they're little blow up raft they were riding around in. Fucking bootleg pirates can't even steal themselves a boat....
Swing and a miss...
That was one of the lifeboats they were ung to hold their hostage...they weren't ung a little raft as a pirate shipLMAO...okay so I was slightly under the influence and the color on my TV is way off, it looked like one of those little blow up things.
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 01:37 PM | 42870
i remember when i first heard of santa claus. my parents told me there was this mysterious figure that would not only break in our house but go through our fridge and leave us paper obects that we would have to open ourselves and risk paper cuts. when i grew up and realized he in fact did not exist. it broke my heart. now it has not only been brought to my attention as well as documented that these pirates do "not" have peg legs, do "not" have parrots" that utter cute praises, do "not" have eye patches", do "not" swigg wiskey", do "not" have hooks where there hands should be hell there not even "plank in ght to walk off of. no no what i saw that a little canoe sorta of the ones that would see in most "summer" movies.
from what i saw they not even swash buckly in the least. not even white. they like some sort of ethipoian.
thnx mom and dad for once again telling stories that are not true. next thing you know i'll be told the easter bunny does not exist.
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 03:43 PM | 42877
LMAO...Jonathan you are such a charater....too funny :)
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 04:57 PM | 42881
I remember seeing something about pirates and laughing when I saw the supposed "pirates" and they're little blow up raft they were riding around in. Fucking bootleg pirates can't even steal themselves a boat....
Swing and a miss...
That was one of the lifeboats they were ung to hold their hostage...they weren't ung a little raft as a pirate shipLMAO...okay so I was slightly under the influence and the color on my TV is way off, it looked like one of those little blow up things.
your tv wouldnt happen to be black and white would it?
Johnny Bisco
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 08:01 PM | 42897
i personally liked the fact that obama stepped up. most liberals would have just said lets have them talk it out, pfffttt.
Wednesday 4/15/2009 at 11:30 PM | 42909
your tv wouldnt happen to be black and white would it? but it has taken on a greenish color. It's time for a new TV :)
Thursday 4/16/2009 at 02:58 PM | 42965
i remember when i first heard of santa claus. my parents told me there was this mysterious figure that would not only break in our house but go through our fridge and leave us paper obects that we would have to open ourselves and risk paper cuts. when i grew up and realized he in fact did not exist. it broke my heart. now it has not only been brought to my attention as well as documented that these pirates do "not" have peg legs, do "not" have parrots" that utter cute praises, do "not" have eye patches", do "not" swigg wiskey", do "not" have hooks where there hands should be hell there not even "plank in ght to walk off of. no no what i saw that a little canoe sorta of the ones that would see in most "summer" movies.
from what i saw they not even swash buckly in the least. not even white. they like some sort of ethipoian.
thnx mom and dad for once again telling stories that are not true. next thing you know i'll be told the easter bunny does not exist. Dah dude the easter
bunny isnt real but you really are a character
!!!oas was here!!!!
Thursday 4/16/2009 at 04:22 PM | 42978
Dah dude the easter
bunny isnt real but you really are a character
!!!oas was here
LOL he knows.....jonathan's a friend from work he's always coming out w/off the wall shit like that :)
Friday 4/17/2009 at 07:26 PM | 43087