(UPDATE) According to movies.com AMC Is "Pasng" on the MoviePass service. Can't say I'm surprised one bit.

Movie buffs this is almost a dream come true. If you find yourself going to the movie theater too see every film that's being released, you'll be happy to know that MoviePass is now offering a service which will allow you to see unlimited movies in theaters for only $50 per month (or four movies a month for $30).
The company will launch a beta veron in 21 theaters in the San Francisco Bay Area and will then offer access to about 40% of the nation's screen during the official launch in the fall.
Many believe that theater chains and studios may not go for a deal like this, but experts believe there is a lot to gain for them. Theaters will profit from conceson sales mply by getting more people to go to more movies. Studios will benefit nce people will take a chance on films they otherwise might not see. That would lead to better DVD sales. Plus, most subscribers will likely pay the $50 and end up seeing only a few films per month, not taking advantage of the service, despite paying for it.
For more information, vit MoviePass' Facebook page.
http://www.facebook.com/MoviePassRead more:
http://worstpreviews.com/headline.php?i ... z1QnDycCdl