Ahhh, HALLOWEEN 3D. What a subject for us here at HorrorBid. While we had the news of the film being green-lit early on it wasn't until two weeks later that confirmation would come that the project indeed would see the light of day October 26th, 2012. We might have had the nuggets of information about the project a bit early, the fact is H3D is happening and 2012 is shaping up to be the year of the slasher with the announcement that LEATHERFACE 3D also may in 2012.
Today, while talking with FX mastermind Wayne Toth, it appears as if the artist responble for the famous Rob Zombie rotted "Michael Myers" mask will not have a role in H3D. What does that mean exactly? Well if there is one constent thing about the HALLOWEEN franchise it is the inconstency of the infamous "white mask". Regardless of what your thoughts on Rob's take on the HALLOWEEN series one undeniable love is the look of the mask that appeared in both Rob's original reviting and the second installment, both of which were created specifically for the film by Wayne Toth. With Wayne not coming back for the third film this throws up yet another question as to what will happen to the mask?
Below: Wayne Toth and his Michael Myers mask creation.

Now if this were any other series this may very well be a moot point. But this is Michael Myers and his mask is as famous if not more so than the films themselves. The same mask degn only appeared in the original and the 1981 sequel of the films while the rest of the HALLOWEEN series has seen some ups and downs as far as degn goes. (HALLOWEEN 5 anyone?)
With the date for release scheduled for October 26th of next year details like this are sure to slowly leak out. However at the present time we can only be cautiously optimist about what the future holds, not just for the series, but the mask itself. Stay tuned for more details as they emerge. Until then, we can only imagine what Michael will be wearing in this installment of the famous series.
Source: HorrorBid
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Friday 7/01/2011 at 01:21 AM | 77933
Uh, isn't it a bit early to be jumping to concluons about this sort of stuff. Todd Farmer and Patrick Luser are still working on getting the Hellraiser remake off the ground. Why on earth would anyone be hired yet to start making props on Halloween 3D when its directors currently haven't started filming Hellraiser?
This is just skepticism, nothing more.
Zombie Dude
Friday 7/01/2011 at 04:11 AM | 77937
so long as they stick with the white mask in some incarnation or another, ill be fine with it. im just dreading the thought of them perhaps changing the mask to something else, or even worse...removing the mask entirely.
Friday 7/01/2011 at 03:10 PM | 77948
Uh, isn't it a bit early to be jumping to concluons about this sort of stuff. Todd Farmer and Patrick Luser are still working on getting the Hellraiser remake off the ground. Why on earth would anyone be hired yet to start making props on Halloween 3D when its directors currently haven't started filming Hellraiser?
This is just skepticism, nothing more.
Why on earth would anyone be hired yet? Because the film comes out in October. I would think they would be getting the ball rolling wouldn't you?
I think the shape the mask was in at the end of H2 they will go with a whole new look. Lets just hope they don't f it up to bad.
Friday 7/01/2011 at 06:51 PM | 77957
Why on earth would anyone be hired yet? Because the film comes out in October. I would think they would be getting the ball rolling wouldn't you?
Yes, October 2012. That's a hell of a lot of time if you ask me.
Zombie Dude
Saturday 7/02/2011 at 12:03 AM | 77969
of course you gonna need a new mask in H2 it got messed up big time due to him getting shot and stabbed but please don't do anything with season of the witch or anything in that degree.
Saturday 7/02/2011 at 06:02 AM | 77973
As long as the mask doesnt change, OR Myers starts talking!!
Then not bothered
Wednesday 7/06/2011 at 10:23 AM | 78073
As long as the mask doesnt change, OR Myers starts talking!!
Then not bothered
Haha! Yea... like at the end of Halloween ressurection where hes like moaning or something right at the end. That was THE lamest ending to a Halloween movie. Period! I was a fan of the 1st RZ re-make. The 2nd kinda rubbed me the worng way but it was still an enjoyable watch. RZ has his own views and knows what he wanted and i believe he achieved his goals with those 2. I hope the 3rd is toned down on the violence and nudity and swearing (pretty much what made RZs
remakes his own). Instead i hope they go in a diff direction and make it more about atmosphere and the anticipation like the original 2... idk just imo
Wednesday 7/06/2011 at 09:09 PM | 78087
A clean veron of what Wayn came up with would be perfect.
Friday 7/29/2011 at 12:01 AM | 79485
As long as the mask doesnt change, OR Myers starts talking!!
Then not bothered
Haha! Yea... like at the end of Halloween ressurection where hes like moaning or something right at the end. That was THE lamest ending to a Halloween movie. Period! I was a fan of the 1st RZ re-make. The 2nd kinda rubbed me the worng way but it was still an enjoyable watch. RZ has his own views and knows what he wanted and i believe he achieved his goals with those 2. I hope the 3rd is toned down on the violence and nudity and swearing (pretty much what made RZs
remakes his own). Instead i hope they go in a diff direction and make it more about atmosphere and the anticipation like the original 2... idk just imo
That's what I hope happens... They need to go in a new direction and bring the series back to it's roots.
Make Michael a force a nature again, this time free of the ster angle and make him the Bogeyman of the original 2 films.
If they go this route, they can do no wrong.
I also think that they need to focus on suspense once again.
Myers isn't about brutality, that was brought to the table when Miramax got the license and especially when RZ got ahold of it.
The best personification of Myers I have seen save for the original 2 films was Halloween: Nightdance ( a comic).
They NAILED the character.
I think something along the lines of that story would be perfect for a new Halloween film... but that's just me.
Anothing thing I have always wondered... The filmmakers have tried again and again to make the mask as it was in the originals, yet independent artists nail the sculpture again and again.
Logic would dictate for the filmmakers to track down one of these independent artists and pay them to do the mask, or pay them for a bunch of unpainted blanks to let their prop department work their magic on.
Just imagine that for a moment... A Myers movie with an H78 or something along those lines.
It would be pure perfection.
Saturday 7/30/2011 at 05:12 AM | 79580
He found a new mask in H4 in a department store Halloween section...this is a remake of the series...I think it's posble ;) Not sure I want the whole movie to be in a hospital though. Find some news teens to terrorize on All Hallow's Eve, Mikey!
Monday 8/22/2011 at 02:18 AM | 81276