It is said the David Cronenberg will be returning to the horror genre and heading back behind the director's chair.Media Rights Capital says that he will be helping bring Jonathan Lethem's "As She Climbed Across The Table" to the big screen.Along with him,Bruce Wagner will be writing and Steve Zaillian and Garrett Basch will be producing.
Plot:The phycists in Coombs's lab become obsessed with an artificially-created miniature black hole they call Lack, which appears to have its own personality and preferences. Alice develops a personal relationship with the artificial intelligence that they have created, while Philip becomes jealous of their relationship. Ultimately, Philip's curioty leads him to explore the pocket universes inde Lack, although other phycists have preceded him, as have several fowl and B-84, a laboratory animal (cat). Lack has analysed the raw materials fed into it, and has produced at least two such domains. At the end of the novel, Philip and Lack merge with one another, and is reunited with Alice.