Shark Night 3D is a film I am definitely looking forward to. I (unfortunately) missed out on Piranha 3D, so I felt this was my chance for redemption. I saw the trailer and thought it looked pretty cool. I mean, it's your standard plot, but why try and improve on greatness? I was all pumped up for an outrageous amount of boobs, blood, and CGI underwater creatures tearing people to shreds! The movie has remained without a rating for quite some time, and I'm quite sure all of us were expecting a very hard R.
Well, as it turns out, Shark Night 3D has succumbed to the awful 21st Century stereotype: It's rated PG-13. This is a major letdown for me and I'm sure the horror community at large. However, despite this setback, I think I'll still catch it in the theaters, and I'm potive there's going to be an unrated director's cut when it hits DVD. Shark Night 3D swims into theaters on September 2.
Official plot synops courtesy of Arriving by boat at her family’s Louiana lake island cabin, Sara (Sara Paxton) and her friends quickly strip down to their swimsuits for a weekend of fun in the sun. But when star football player Malik (nqua Walls) stumbles from the salt-water lake with his arm torn off, the party mood quickly evaporates. Assuming the injury was caused by a freak wake-boarding accident, the group realizes they have to get Malik to a hospital on the other de of the lake, and fast. But as they set out in a tiny speedboat, the college friends discover the lake has been stocked with hundreds of masve, flesh-eating sharks! As they face one grisly death after another, Sara and the others struggle desperately to fend off the sharks, get help and stay alive long enough to reach the safety of dry land.