Clive Barker is the original mastermind behind the deeply disturbing 1987 genre installment, Hellraiser. Based on Barker’s work of fiction, "The Hellbound Heart", Hellraiser quickly became a fan favorite, and thanks to its extreme gore and original concept, one of the most memorable horror films ever shot.
The latest franchise entry however, Hellraiser: Revelations, has been absolutely crucified by critics and those unfortunate enough to catch an early screening of the film.
Well, you can conder Barker himself one of the many viewers to be extremely disappointed by the picture. The world renown author just took to his twitter to share his thoughts on the flick, and well, you just have to read Clive’s stance on the film!
"Hello,my friends. I want to put on record that the flic out there ung the word Hellraiser IS NO FUCKIN' CHILD OF MINE! I have NOTHING to do with the fuckin' thing. If they claim its from the mind of Clive Barker, it's a lie. It's not even from my butt-hole."
I used to cling to that old saying “any press is good press”; I’m not certain that’s the case in this instance!
Víctor García directed the latest Hellraiser picture, which hits DVD on October 18th.