Forums Horror Movie Talk
Horror at Home: 'The River Murders', 'Area 51' Hit DVD Tomorrow

This Tuesday won’t be the most rewarding release date of the month, as only two genre pieces are tapped to hit shelves (neither of which muster an abnormal amount of anticipation): After Dark’s Area 51 and the underwhelming thriller, The River Murders.

Area 51 is exactly what it sounds like, a trip into extraterrestrial insanity. Like most conspiracy driven films, this one has been kept under wraps, unless you happen to be one of those who caught the picture after screening on the Sy-Fy network. After Dark brings us this one, in which the general verdict is still out.

Also hitting shelves tomorrow is the critically panned horror/thriller, The River Murders. The film follows a homicide detective who may or not be far more than he seems, as he just so happens to be closely linked to a string of victims who begin surfacing.

The picture is directed by Rich Cowan and features a surpringly capable cast that includes Ray Liotta, Ving Rhames and Christian Slater.
Matt_Molgaard Monday 9/19/2011 at 04:46 PM | 82977