Entertainment Weekly has released the first official photo from Tim Burton's upcoming film Dark Shadows.This photo gives us the first look at the entire cast.This includes such as actors and actresses as Johnny Depp,Eva Green,Michelle Pfeiffer,Jonny Lee Miller,Chloe Grace Moretz,Helena Bonham Carter,Jackie Earle Haley,Gulliver McGrath, Bella Heathcote,and Ray Shirley.Dark Shadows is based off of the original gothic soap opera and consts of the same characters.As you can see by the photo it consts of very dark colored and vintage clothing which looks pretty cool in my opinion,but I'm a big Burton fan either way.It is set for theaters May 11,2012.
Plot:In 1752, the Collins family sails from Liverpool, England to North America. The son, Barnabas, grows up to be a wealthy playboy in Collinsport, Maine and is the master of Collinwood Manor. He breaks the heart of a witch, Angelique Bouchard, who turns him into a vampire and buries him alive. In 1972, Barnabas is freed and returns to find his manor in ruin. It is occupied by dysfunctional descendants and other redents, all of whom have secrets.