We here at HorrorBid will be recommending one specific treasure for everyday of the month. The ultimate goal is mple; encourage the masses to seek out stellar films that fit the seasonal mold. While I’m certain plenty of our faithful readers will find some of these films predictable, or at the least familiar, we still feel as though a friendly reminder can go a long way towards renewed enjoyment.

On deck for October 21st, is a film sure to enrage every clasc conformist alive, Marcus Nispel’s fast paced and highly entertaining (yeah, suck on that traditionalists!) reboot, Friday the 13th. The film, though panned by the narrow minded, managed an impresve feat in successfully fung focal elements of the first four original Friday films. From psycho Pamela’s decapitation all the way to the concept of a distraught brother in search of his misng ster, it’s all here, molded into a fun, coheve picture that fits comfortably into a 97 minute runtime.
I don’t really need to break down the gist of the film, but I will all the same in case there happens to be a recluve reader lurking that prefers life under a rock over life as a vible socialite. Jason Voorhees’ mother is murdered, Jason (who’s always been believed deceased) magically pops up, rocks a knapsack as disguise, soon discovers a cool hockey mask, and then proceeds to slaughter a satisfying portion of cliché college kids.I’ll be flamed all the way to Camp Crystal Lake and back for this selection, but I could care less, because, a) I’m not deluonal and unwilling to admit that the film is quite well done, and b) I’m not a childish whiner who refused to give the film a chance mply because it’s a reboot. So, flame all you want, I’ve got my flame retardant long john’s on.
Nispel and scribes, Mark Swift and Damian Shannon do a near perfect job of condenng four films into one. The decion to turn Jason into a calculating speed demon is absolutely fantastic, because, let’s admit, that lumbering freak who couldn’t best a tortoise in a 100 meter dash just wasn’t all too frightening anymore. A blood thirsty mad man who moves in a hurry, machete in hand however, is certain to issue a few jolts of panic.
Cry all you want about the “travesty that was the Friday remake”. I’ll mply keep it real with myself and those bold enough to form their own opinion, rather than follow the norm, which is of course negative in relation to this film: Friday the 13th kicks ass, plain and mple. How the fuck do you like them apples?