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New Viral Site & Video Just In Time for Halloween Courtesy of THE WOMAN IN BLACK is now live! The NEW mysterious te invites users to take a look inde Eel Marsh House and discover the answer to "What did they see?"

Vitors have only a partially obscured view, just enough to see through the doorway and into this young girl's room.

By ung motion recognition with the computer's webcam, vitors to the te can shift their perspective within the room by mply moving right & left in front of their own computer to see what lurks behind the door and in the shadows.

No matter how scared you get, expect to receive your own customized photo, compliments of THE WOMAN IN BLACK!

**NEW Viral te: Link:

http://www.whatdidtheysee.comTry it now and please don't hetate to share with your user ung hashtags #WomanInBlack and #WhatDidTheySee. Happy Halloween!

THE WOMAN IN BLACK opens in theaters February 3rd, 2012 ---------------------

Become a FAN on Facebook:" class="photoborder" />

Source: HorrorBid
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Monday 10/31/2011 at 07:30 PM | 86199
I enjoy viral tes and this one was nice and spooky! Can't wait for this film. I loved the book and the 1989 TV movie veron :)
Evilution Tuesday 11/01/2011 at 09:02 PM | 86292