In case you don't know, I have an odd taste in movies. I don't know how long ago it was, but one day, I decided I was done with the tired, the ordinary, and the well-known films that I had already seen and decided to go on a journey (a metaphorical one) to search out and watch the most underrated, the most unknown, and just the weirdest films ever to grace the surface of the earth.
This, of course, has led me to some opinions that will most likely anger many fans of the genre, so I decided to share them with the good people at HorrorBid so you can form a mob Frankenstein-style and go after me. They're not in any particular order, but anyway, here you go:
Five Controveral Opinions On Horror
5. My Soul To Take Is A Decent Flick
For a full review of this one, click here. However, I'll give you the meat and bones of it. My Soul to Take gets shat on by horror fans everywhere, and I can see why they would feel so. There really isn't anything new here, and it just feels like it was sloppily thrown together, with some absolutely ridiculous moments (that condor scene in the classroom...ugh). However, the killer looks awesome, there's some great atmosphere, I loved the twist at the end, and I felt the way the characters were written was good, if not great. No, I would never buy it, but I felt it was at least a solid watch. I think Wes Craven should do some more original stuff, even though they often get a bad rap.

4. Trick r Treat Is Not Entertaining
Hoo boy, here we go. Even I don't get this one. Trick 'r' Treat has everything I love in horror movies: practical effects, different stories packed into an anthology, humor, gore, everything! So why don't I like it? I don't know. As I was watching it, I realized about three-fourths of the way through that I wasn't having fun when I really should have been. I guess the problem here is that it's trying too hard to be fun, and ends up falling on its face (in my eyes). In most entertaining movies, the fun seemed to flow from a natural stream into a natural lake, and this seems like the fun flows from a hose and into a man-made lake. It appears authentic, but its really a fake on the inde.

3. Halloween 6 Is The Best One In The Franchise
I actually did not realize this until I did some math on my Halloween 10-Film Review (click here). I already knew Halloween 6 was the most entertaining, and I knew the first was the scariest. However, when I found the average place each one would hold, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers came out on top, which even shocked me. And yeah, I agree with that. It's very entertaining, with some great kills, and it's also scarier than I remembered it to be. One example I use all the time is a scene that is a re-do of the part in the first where Laurie is banging on the Wallaces' door and begging Tommy to let her in while Michael is slowly approaching. Believe it or not, when they re-did that in this film, I thought it was scarier. I think the reason is because of the way it was shot. In the first, you see Laurie banging on the door, then you cut to Michael approaching the camera, and repeat. In the xth, you get an over-the-shoulder shot of Michael approaching, which works wonders for me. The actor portraying Michael gave a stand-out performance in the series, all the other actors/actresses were great, and like I said, the kills and suspense are top-notch.

2. Shocker Is Wes Cravens Best Film
Wes Craven has directed a lot of great films over the years (do I even have to name them?), yet I find Shocker to be the most entertaining out of all of them. The performances were strong, the writing is fantastic, and best of all, the soundtrack is composed of mostly rock songs! While you can tell Craven set out to create "the next Freddy" with the character of Horace Pinker, I still think the film is a completely underrated popcorn gem. Mitch Pileggi makes for a wonderful villain, and personally, I think he should have achieved that Freddy status. While the whole "killer travelling through electricity" thing has been done before with Trick or Treat (1986), it was perfected in Shocker, with some clever uses of this power (such as Pinker possesng a massage chair). Sure it's very illogical and lly, but I think it makes for the best slasher I have had the chance to witness.

1. The Walking Dead Is The Most Boring Show On TV
A little piece of my soul dies whenever I see or hear good things being said about AMC's The Walking Dead, so as you can imagine, I barely have any soul left. Let me just put it out there that I absolutely loved the first episode. In fact, if the whole show went on being just about Andrew Lincoln's character, I probably wouldn't be writing this right now. Then the second episode came around and I enjoyed it, but not as much as the first episode. So after the third, I had completely lost interest. After a long period of being Walking Dead-free, I decided to watch the season opener for Season 2. I had hoped they had fixed everything that was wrong with the first season, mainly my boredom. So as I watched, I was horrified to discover it had gotten worse. There were more characters, which meant more boring characterization that didn't work, and I really boring scene where a herd of zombies march down a freeway (most people say it's suspenseful, but I didn't get that). And then a little girl gets lost, and they try and find her the rest of the episode. In fact, the only character I liked was Daryl, nce he's a quick-thinking badass (all badasses ride motorcycles). Now, take a zombie flick like Dawn of the Dead, in which most of the 2-hr. runtime is characterization with only four characters. But I actually liked those characters and was concerned about them, unlike most everyone here. Rest assured I won't be tuning in for the rest of the season, but I'll check out the season-opener to Season 3 just to see if it has gotten better or worse.
Well there you have five of my best controveral opinions relating to horror. I could probably list five more that are less controveral, like favorite film out of (insert franchise here), or films I liked and everyone else hated, but for now, spit in my direction with these five.
Feel free to comment your opinions and death-threats toward me below.
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 08:45 PM | 87207
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:22 PM | 87208
Shocker is great, but not Wes's best. Also I'm not a zombie fan nor walking dead with all the boney girls. I like True Blood who yes has the skinny girls, but it's not just a plan vampire show. All the others are bad.
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:28 PM | 87209
Wow......I don't even know.....
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:32 PM | 87210
I'm going to keep it real mple and just second that sentiment.
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:33 PM | 87211
Well, I've never seen The Walking Dead -- I've never been interested. And I agree with your comments on My Soul to Take. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. The only point I didn't really agree with was about Trick-r-Treat... I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. :)
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:36 PM | 87212
Wow, I can't believe these are real opinions. Bedes The Walking Dead statement I completely disagree. Trick R Treat feels fake but you enjoyed My Sould to Take?
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 10:57 PM | 87216
Wow, I can't believe these are real opinions. Bedes The Walking Dead statement I completely disagree. Trick R Treat feels fake but you enjoyed My Sould to Take?
Alright, you got me. I did like Trick r Treat (to an extent), but while I was watching it, I subconsciously knew there was something wrong with it. I will say Trick r Treat is better than My Soul to Take, though. I'd probably have to watch Trick r Treat again to see if I enjoy it any more.
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:02 PM | 87217
Well, I've never seen The Walking Dead -- I've never been interested. And I agree with your comments on My Soul to Take. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. The only point I didn't really agree with was about Trick-r-Treat... I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. :)
Watch the first 4 episodes of The Walking Dead and that's all you really need to see of it lol. I REALLY wanted to like it, but this new 2nd season sucks in ways I didn't think were posble. Although, I'm beginning to think the title "The Walking Dead" is a pun on words and has absolutely nothing to do with zombies at all. Take that any way you feel necessary.
Jonny Sicko
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:09 PM | 87218
This is such a great article!!! Stir the pot James, stir the pot! TRICK 'R TREAT RULES THOUGH! LOL!!!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:14 PM | 87219
PS: This took some grapefruits to write! LOL!!! :)
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:15 PM | 87220
Actually, nothing in this article is new. I have shared each of these opinions in some form or another across HBid, I'm just expanding upon them. Here's where each came from:
My Soul to Take is a decent flick - My review
Trick r treat isnt that entertaining - Which Is Better? Trick r Treat Or Halloween?
Halloween 6 is the best - My review(s)
Shocker is the best - my top fifteen horror films list
The Walking Dead is boring - Who's Your Favorite Walking Dead Character?
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:54 PM | 87222
I think your opinions are very reasonable! I was also a little disapointed with Trick r Treat. I bought the 60$ 'making of' book and all, but I didn't think it was an absolute gem like others believe. Either way, I still enjoyed it.
I also love The Walking Dead, and it does have its slow parts I'll admit, but (stated in another article) it is a drama horror, not a fast paced bloody zombie show.
We are all entitled to our own opinions, and no one should be afraid to post them!
Saturday 11/19/2011 at 11:57 PM | 87223
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 12:31 AM | 87225
Actually, nothing in this article is new. I have shared each of these opinions in some form or another across HBid, I'm just expanding upon them. Here's where each came from:
My Soul to Take is a decent flick - My review
Trick r treat isnt that entertaining - Which Is Better? Trick r Treat Or Halloween?
Halloween 6 is the best - My review(s)
Shocker is the best - my top fifteen horror films list
The Walking Dead is boring - Who's Your Favorite Walking Dead Character?
Totally James but seeing it all together put they way you put it is refreshing and ballsy. It's tough to go against the grain and this article will have its "hell yeah" moments and the "that guys full of shit moments", lol! It's what makes HBid so fun to read!!!!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 01:45 AM | 87226
I kind of liked My Soul to Take.But, I don't agree with the rest of the list..But, I am not judging you or going to try to change your opinion..There are a lot of different kinds of horror movies out there, and not everyone is going to like all the same movies.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 02:06 AM | 87230
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 02:34 AM | 87233
Actually, nothing in this article is new. I have shared each of these opinions in some form or another across HBid, I'm just expanding upon them. Here's where each came from:
My Soul to Take is a decent flick - My review
Trick r treat isnt that entertaining - Which Is Better? Trick r Treat Or Halloween?
Halloween 6 is the best - My review(s)
Shocker is the best - my top fifteen horror films list
The Walking Dead is boring - Who's Your Favorite Walking Dead Character?
C'mon I agree Halloween is a clasc that I LOVE but doesn't Trick 'R Treat appeal more to your kid like love of Halloween the holiday? Plus its such a solid film! Damn you James! LOL! Kidding of course!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 03:04 AM | 87238
I'll chime in for kicks...and everyone has a right to their opinion. lol
Anyway. I haven't seen My Soul to take, so I have no right to say anything.
Trick r Treat was well done as far as cinematography etc. But it didn't excite me as much as I thought it would. Good film though nonetheless.
Halloween 6 the best? eh, not sure. I'd have to go back and watch.
Shocker didn't do much for me.
Walking Dead Season 2 is painfully dragging it's ass. But perhaps the pace will pick up later. I'm just glad Rooker is in it. I have always loved his acting.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 03:14 AM | 87239
Same here, I was warded off about MY SOUL TO TAKE so I can't comment on that. You guys know my feelings about TRICK 'R TREAT, if you don't like it your worthless and should be shot (j/k). :) As for HALLOWEEN 6, not a fan, I'd take
SEASON OF THE WITCH over it any day. SHOCKER is whatever and THE WALKING DEAD I enjoy although I just finished watching the first three episodes of AMERICAN HORROR STORY and I am starting to question my love for the zombie series. AHS has blown my mind!
Again great topic that gets us all talking.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 03:57 AM | 87241
Personally, I am liking this season of The Walking Dead..There isn't as many zombies as the first season and it is more about the characters interaction with eacthother..But I think that is necessary for the show, because part of the drama of it is about how the characters end of treating each other while trying to survive.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 04:10 AM | 87243
It is def more of a drama than a horror show, that is for sure. I think people are expecting it to focus more on the zombies which it won't unfortunately for those wanting that.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 04:13 AM | 87244
i HATE the walking dead. Dumb show, annoying characters, bad atmosphere, obnoxious dialogue and it's soooo cliche.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 04:41 AM | 87249
Damn this is some controveral shit right here. It's amazing we can all express our feeling on this te and not get goosed like on others. I agree about the walking dead to an extent but trick r treat is one of my favs. Just having an open discuson about some of this is amazing to see when usual all out bashing starts to occur. One more reason I luv me some horrorbid.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 07:07 AM | 87250
Damn this is some controveral shit right here. It's amazing we can all express our feeling on this te and not get goosed like on others. I agree about the walking dead to an extent but trick r treat is one of my favs. Just having an open discuson about some of this is amazing to see when usual all out bashing starts to occur. One more reason I luv me some horrorbid.
Well said.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 03:13 PM | 87259
So the actual headline here should be that you have no taste?
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 05:01 PM | 87260
In case I didn't have enough outrage towards me, here's some more:
Shark Night is awesome.
Death Ship is awesome.
Hatchet isn't that great (but Hatchet II is).
Club Dread is better than Scream.
Slumber Party Massacre II is the best of the series.
Friday the 13th Part VIII is highly entertaining (so is Jason Goes to Hell).
April Fool's Day (1986) is a great slasher.
The Prowler is not a great slasher.
Jaws III is a fun watch.
Feast your eyes on that.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 05:19 PM | 87262
I liked Trick r Treat, and I was really surprised that I liked it because I usually hate anthologies. Maybe it's the anthology for non anthology fans.
I definitely agree with what the OP said in a follow up though: Prowler isn't a great slasher.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 05:39 PM | 87264
This thread I have a feeling will never die James! Let me throw one at you guys. I think the original FRIDAY THE 13TH is blahhhhh! Wow, I feel relieved and scared at the same time. :(
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 05:53 PM | 87268
I don't think I would ever ask this guy for a recommendation. You got a unique taste in horror.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 06:09 PM | 87269
Mmmkay I've got one. Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 was GOOD! It wasn't flawless, but nonetheless it had its good points.
I disliked the insane amounts of gore and raunchy material, but it was very raw and intense. It wasn't a kind, bubble gum, ghost tale. Michael Myers was furious, and there was more character development. The build up to the end was huge, and the whole 'white horse' idea was fresh, so to speak.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 06:51 PM | 87271
Loved H2 also and I think the Elm Street remake was good!
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 07:12 PM | 87272
I didn't like the original dawn of the dead very much.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 08:18 PM | 87274
Loved H2 also and I think the Elm Street remake was good
I'll second that. I thought the remake of ANOES was actually fairly good condering the nostalgia that fans went in with. Was it perfect? No. But it got the job done and I liked it way better than the F13 remake.
Shakelford, J. Rusty
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 08:21 PM | 87276
Congrats to James aka ObscureCinema101 for creating the fastest growing topic in HorrorBid's history. Controversy always works!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 09:37 PM | 87279
I'm glad all it took was for me to come out with my unpopular opinions in order to have people come out with theirs. That wasn't my intent at first, but I'm glad it's happening.
Sunday 11/20/2011 at 10:14 PM | 87281
I AGREE WITH 1 and 4!!!!!! I seriously hate The Walking Dead!!
Monday 11/21/2011 at 04:58 AM | 87286
Halloween H20 is the best in the series. That's as conterveral as I get
Monday 11/21/2011 at 08:19 AM | 87288
Ok I'll bite, My Soul To Take was ok but it was kind of ridiculous def not Cravens best work
Trick r Treat was an inspired great film that tied all of the stories together which I love, I am a super Creep Show fan so I really loved this movie it was just fun, and for some reason people don't want to have in horror anymore, I mean isnt that a big part of it? Always being the eternal 9 year old or 13 year old watching old clascs on tv while your parents were asleep?
Halloween 6... well umm it was great acting Paul Rudd, and last appearance of the good Dr. R.I.P. but this seemed to be that one movie as in alot of horror franchises that is really reaching and takes a complete left turn, I mean the whole cult thing , them trying to genetically engineer him in a way? C'MON!! I mean I get it I like the movie of course I would not say at all that it is one of the best buy far.
Shocker was a great film, no beef there.
The Walking Dead... ok this is my biggest disagreement, I never really read the comic, crucify me, but when this show first came out I was skeptical as I'm sure everybody was " Could they pull this off?' and they did with no question, the whole world of this show is just dark and ominous not really so much visually well at least in some scenes but it puts you in this world where all of these things could happen, you could meet these people while youre out in the world trying to survive hell on earth and have to adapt not with just the people but with the way the world as you know it is now, I think the story does kind of drag from time to time, but that can be said for all dramas on tv, I call it the Empire Strikes Back feeling, that somtimes you get alot of talking info and not an extreme amount of action, I like the characters, some do get on my nerves like Andrea , and T-dog every now and then, but they always seem to evolve on their own or a tuation forces them to. It's a great show, great story, great fx Greg Nicotero for gods sake! I look forward to every Sunday night! But thats my opinion, feel free my friends to blast me if you wish!
Monday 11/21/2011 at 05:45 PM | 87291
I agree, TWD is a bit boring and TRT was over-hyped. It ends there...H6 the best halloween? its not written well, the whole thing is a mess. Plus Michael Myers looks like he's being played by pete the plumber from down the block. Thanks for the list, it is all subjective though.
ny ghoul
Monday 11/21/2011 at 06:18 PM | 87293
Thank you!!
1.dead on about Trick R Treat.It was lame all around and I still don't get why people like it.
2.I haven't come to the concluon yet as to why I still am watching Walking Dead.Norman Reedus is the only reason I can figure.
3.Shocker,like all Wes Craven films is lly.
4.I'm gonna give Halloween 6 another go around before I comment further.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 12:39 AM | 87309
lol this thread is like the Mobius strip.. over 26k views in 2 days, and 40 replies. That's impresve! More views! More replies! Keep it going forever!
Jonny Sicko
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 12:55 AM | 87310
I totally agree with you man. Ade from part 1, Halloween 6 was the best. It seems as though it was the one part of the franchise that a lot of people just completely disregarded. Shocker was Wes Craven's best work ade from Nightmare On Elm Street. I still don't understand why it didn't do as well. As for this Walking Dead series, I still haven't seen a ngle episode and honestly I don't have to dere to either. I mean I like the clasc zombie flicks that were done right, but based on what you've mentioned I guess I saved myself some time. It's funny just by seeing the previews, it angers me that people talk more about the Walking Dead and American Horror Story than they ever did about TrueBlood.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 12:59 AM | 87311
I totally agree with you man. Ade from part 1, Halloween 6 was the best. It seems as though it was the one part of the franchise that a lot of people just completely disregarded. Shocker was Wes Craven's best work ade from Nightmare On Elm Street. I still don't understand why it didn't do as well. As for this Walking Dead series, I still haven't seen a ngle episode and honestly I don't have to dere to either. I mean I like the clasc zombie flicks that were done right, but based on what you've mentioned I guess I saved myself some time. It's funny just by seeing the previews, it angers me that people talk more about the Walking Dead and American Horror Story than they ever did about TrueBlood.
ade from you liking Halloween 6, how can you argue that it was the best after the first? just curious. what makes you hold it in such high regard?
ny ghoul
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 01:32 AM | 87316
Hey man I gotta' say some things I totally agree with.
Halloween 6 was a kick fuckin' ass film, and one of the series' best
Trick r' Treat does seem a little boring and corny
I didn't mind My Soul To Take either, I think it IS Unjustly shit on too much
The Walking Dead can be SOOOOO Boring, totally disappointed as compared to the comic
What a piece of shit seriously
Can't hold a candle to Nightmare /
Not even the same fuckin' galaxy
But some really good points I think you made bro
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 02:25 AM | 87319
I totally agree with you man. Ade from part 1, Halloween 6 was the best. It seems as though it was the one part of the franchise that a lot of people just completely disregarded. Shocker was Wes Craven's best work ade from Nightmare On Elm Street. I still don't understand why it didn't do as well. As for this Walking Dead series, I still haven't seen a ngle episode and honestly I don't have to dere to either. I mean I like the clasc zombie flicks that were done right, but based on what you've mentioned I guess I saved myself some time. It's funny just by seeing the previews, it angers me that people talk more about the Walking Dead and American Horror Story than they ever did about TrueBlood.
ade from you liking Halloween 6, how can you argue that it was the best after the first? just curious. what makes you hold it in such high regard?
Agreed! What do you see in H6 that puts it right smack after the original? Explanation wanted...
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 02:53 AM | 87320
Hey man I gotta' say some things I totally agree with.
Halloween 6 was a kick fuckin' ass film, and one of the series' best
Trick r' Treat does seem a little boring and corny
I didn't mind My Soul To Take either, I think it IS Unjustly shit on too much
The Walking Dead can be SOOOOO Boring, totally disappointed as compared to the comic
What a piece of shit seriously
Can't hold a candle to Nightmare /
Not even the same fuckin' galaxy
But some really good points I think you made bro
How can you compare Shocker to NOES? They're completely different in almost every way. Shocker was a much lighter tone, almost a comedy, NOES was serious and creepy. If Wes Craven had made a sequel and managed to make it somehow better than the original, you'd see a franchise. NOES is the reverse. The first was one was great, and the rest while still entertaining, were not of the same caliber. Meh, movies are driven by the box office, that's all it is in the end. Fans are incidental.
Jonny Sicko
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 04:00 AM | 87321
Trick R Treat rules period
H6 is one of the best of the series but H2 is the best one (yes I said it, H2 1981 is the best of the series)
shocker ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Johnny Bisco
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 10:41 AM | 87336
I totally agree about Walking Dead comment about Norman Reedus' character Darryl; I just perk up out of my bored haze and pay attention when he comes on screen.
If WD keeps going at this rate I'm going to chalk it up under another missed opportunity cause the comic is awesome and anything but dull!
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 10:51 AM | 87337
I totally agree about Walking Dead comment about Norman Reedus' character Darryl; I just perk up out of my bored haze and pay attention when he comes on screen.
If WD keeps going at this rate I'm going to chalk it up under another missed opportunity cause the comic is awesome and anything but dull
I agree, I've enjoyed the comic so far. The series...well the first season was good. Guess some ideas work better in certain mediums while heavily dependent on the writer's skill in others.
Jonny Sicko
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 11:51 AM | 87339
I think the original FRIDAY THE 13TH is blahhhhh! Wow, I feel relieved and scared at the same time. :(
You aren't alone. The only awesome part is when Bacon gets a screwdriver through the neck.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 06:47 PM | 87348
I totally agree with you man. Ade from part 1, Halloween 6 was the best. It seems as though it was the one part of the franchise that a lot of people just completely disregarded. Shocker was Wes Craven's best work ade from Nightmare On Elm Street. I still don't understand why it didn't do as well. As for this Walking Dead series, I still haven't seen a ngle episode and honestly I don't have to dere to either. I mean I like the clasc zombie flicks that were done right, but based on what you've mentioned I guess I saved myself some time. It's funny just by seeing the previews, it angers me that people talk more about the Walking Dead and American Horror Story than they ever did about TrueBlood.
ade from you liking Halloween 6, how can you argue that it was the best after the first? just curious. what makes you hold it in such high regard?
Tell me what you disliked about it and I'll address those complaints.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 06:50 PM | 87349
I have a question for @James,
When you say Halloween 6 is the best in the series, are you referring to the theatrical cut or the producers cut? I haven't seen it in forever and your article makes a compelling argument that i should watch it again. I just want to make sure i'm watching the right veron.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 06:55 PM | 87350
I have a question for @James,
When you say Halloween 6 is the best in the series, are you referring to the theatrical cut or the producers cut? I haven't seen it in forever and your article makes a compelling argument that i should watch it again. I just want to make sure i'm watching the right veron.
I was referring to the theatrical cut, as I have sadly never seen the P-cut. Multiple people say it's much better, so I'm dying to check it out.
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 07:22 PM | 87354
I've seen both cuts of H6 and I am sorry but it's just not a good film in my opinion. It screams how much the series needs to be rebooted or left along but I will say this, HALLOWEEN H20 (gasp) is one of my favorites in the series. Damn you James for constantly making me come on hear and give opinions on movies. I try so hard to be down the middle for the sake of not hurting anyones feelings and to be honest, that's how I should be. This is the first article however where I will tell you exactly my thoughts on past films. I come from the camp if you can't say anything good about a film, keep your mouth shut but it's nice to be able to let loose once in awhile, lol. :)
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 08:09 PM | 87355
I have a question for @James,
When you say Halloween 6 is the best in the series, are you referring to the theatrical cut or the producers cut? I haven't seen it in forever and your article makes a compelling argument that i should watch it again. I just want to make sure i'm watching the right veron.
I was referring to the theatrical cut, as I have sadly never seen the P-cut. Multiple people say it's much better, so I'm dying to check it out.
Its ridiculously hard to find a copy of the P-cut!!!
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 08:44 PM | 87357
This is the first article however where I will tell you exactly my thoughts on past films. I come from the camp if you can't say anything good about a film, keep your mouth shut but it's nice to be able to let loose once in awhile, lol. :)
Let loose more often! In the end its only our opinions. Nobody is right or wrong. Unless of course they are wrong. (which sometimes they are) LOL
Tuesday 11/22/2011 at 08:46 PM | 87358
And for the record, I don't think Danielle Harris is that awesome. She's a good actress and all, but I don't see why she has this masve following.
Wednesday 11/23/2011 at 11:45 PM | 87404
I usually get bashed for what I like as well.... these are my top 10 fav horror movies of all time.
Psycho III
Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Lost Boys 2: The Tribe
Friday the 13th Part 2
Friday the 13th The Final Chapter
Hellraiser 4: Bloodline
Halloween II (2009)
Friday 11/25/2011 at 09:19 PM | 87502
I think all the redent evil movies suk and dont see why there is so much fan support for them. i luv the games dont get me wrong but the movies are yuk
Saturday 11/26/2011 at 12:47 AM | 87514
My turn!
I don't think that Kane Hodder was the best Jason ever!!!............. Yeah I said it!!!!!!!
(Go Ken Kirzinger!)
Saturday 11/26/2011 at 09:31 AM | 87546
Walking Dead!!
Not many scenes off thm in it, and when there are, nothing happenes.
I guess serise 2 is out for watching too!
Saturday 11/26/2011 at 04:19 PM | 87552
Great ideas going here.
For me, the condor scene is what made me continue watching My Soul...
I thought it was hilarious in a very-randon-what-the-shit...-sort of way.
I had read this review a while back and it is what made me finally go rent it.
I was pleased.The best part about H6 is the atmosphere.
It was the first of the series I ever watched, and looking at now, I realize you are on to something.
I personally don't think that its the best in the series, but I think it has merit to come close just because of the myth it creates (picking up where the end of part 5 left off) for Michael Myers.
And I would say Michael in this one is played out the creepiest in the series.Trick r Treat was boring?
What it lacks in movement, it overwhelms with atmosphere and tone.
Thursday 8/09/2012 at 02:18 PM | 95439