Forums Horror Movie Talk
Will MTV Really Leave 'Death Valley' Fans Hanging With No Season Two?

Those who follow MTV’s, Death Valley do so because they love the show, plain and mple. You either dig the hell out of this outlandish series, or you loathe it, likely for its refusal to take itself too seriously. For those who remain disconnected, and treat the series like a foreign restaurant menu, you probably have little buness reading this article: it won’t resonate with you.

The season finale aired last week, and many lingering issues looked to be tied up. John-John’s slowly blossoming romance with Carla had finally reached a point of tangible validity, a peace treaty between the UTF and the vampires looked all but sealed, and then, out of the blue we get a look at a brand new monster that fans have yet to see inde of 11 other episodes. And by the way, this new creature looks absolutely bad ass. To add icing on the cake, the episode was absolutely hysterical.

Yet, at this point, we’ve got what looks like the beginning of something terrific, doomed to answer a potential premature death toll; As Texas Battle told us on the first episode of the Ball and Chain Show podcast, a season two green light looks about as likely as… well, as werewolves, zombies and vampires overtaking Southern California. MTV neglected the series heavily, pushing the series into a hideous time slot, and they put forth a promotional effort that would make Lloyd Kaufman’s buness dealings look genius.

So, the question is, will MTV make any attempt at assembling a second season run, or are we to take season one as a good thing destined to die? Can we, the fans save the series and ensure a return next year? Would a petition make a hint of difference? So many questions, so very few answers…
Matt_Molgaard Tuesday 11/29/2011 at 05:50 PM | 87630
Much as I would love a second season, I highly doubt it will happen. For the first time in years, MTV comes up with an original and funny show not starring knocked up teenagers or self-tanner overdose victims and they completely fail at even promoting it properly. I've not even been able to see the entire first season, as half the time channel listings show it as being aired and instead MTV is running reality schlock.


a pity.
dew Tuesday 11/29/2011 at 07:29 PM | 87635
check it out on MTVs webte - you can watch every episode!
Matt_Molgaard Tuesday 11/29/2011 at 07:57 PM | 87638
Much as I would love a second season, I highly doubt it will happen. For the first time in years, MTV comes up with an original and funny show not starring knocked up teenagers or self-tanner overdose victims and they completely fail at even promoting it properly. I've not even been able to see the entire first season, as half the time channel listings show it as being aired and instead MTV is running reality schlock.


a pity.

Yeah exactly. lol WTF happened to MTV in the last 20 years? I remember when they actually played muc videos, and the awesome game show "Remote Control", Aeon Flux, awesome crazy cartoons, Weird Al specials.... Now it's all documentaries on how completely fucked up teenagers are today, and other totally stupid pointless shit. How can they posbly call it "Muc TV" anymore? It's like if BET started playing Fox 5 News broadcasts.

There is very little to grab the attention of the audience in my age bracket. I'm tired of watching teenage train wrecks on TV. It's like documenting the fact that there's no hope for the future, and we're all fucked lol.

I had wanted to watch this show, but the knowledge of what MTV has become in the last 20 years is an affront to all my good memories of what it used to be, and it mentally offends me on a very fundamental level lol. I can't even bring myself to vit their webte >_<
Jonny Sicko Wednesday 11/30/2011 at 03:49 PM | 87687
jon - its just about the only quality youll find on mtv, guarantee it. think...anti twilight. lmao

check my latest news break - theres a chance - straight from the exec producer to me, they're trying!
Matt_Molgaard Wednesday 11/30/2011 at 04:17 PM | 87690