According to producer Roy Lee, there are remakes of "Poltergeist," "The Ring" and "The Grudge" in the works, with "Poltergeist" being the most realistic.
Check out the comments below.
Poltergeist: "The one I'm most excited about is a 'Poltergeist' reboot and that is probably something, hopefully, next year someone will be able to accomplish. I'm in talks with that right now, yeah, with MGM."
The Grudge: "We are looking to do a new veron of 'The Grudge,' we just aren't sure what exactly that will be. We've been hearing takes from writers on just what they could bring to the table for a new veron, but nothing's official yet."
The Ring: "We're in the same tuation with 'The Ring' as we are with 'The Grudge.' We're currently hearing takes to see which direction we should go in, whether it's a third movie or a reboot altogether. We actually are having a script written right now to see if it works in terms of restarting 'The Ring' franchise but nothing official just yet."

Source: ... e-and-ring / ... p?id=22047