Last year in 2010, Robert Rodriguez let the public know that the "Predators" reboot was meant to test the market. The long term goal was to put together a smaller film and and save all the big, grandiose ideas and big set pieces for the sequel. "The original film sets up a new storyline, new location and world, and then you can really go crazy from there," he said.
Plans can change and no news about 2010's "Predators" which hit theaters over a year ago and nary a word of a sequel has been mentioned. The Playlist now caught up with Rodriguez to find out what's going on. "I haven't talked to
in a while. I know they liked the idea of doing another one," he explained. "I should probably call and check in. I've just been busy doing these other things."
"Predators" cost $40 million to make and went on to gross $127 million worldwide. But because it was only able to bring in $52 million domestically, Fox hasn't been excited about putting a sequel into production. The lousy 64% fresh rating on RottenTomatoes doesn't help either.

Source: ... g-projects