I figured with a poll going around about what was your favorite movie of 2011, I'd throw in one for what you thought was the worst horror movie of the year.Now it's been an on an off year this year for horror.We did see some great ones emerge as well as some bad ones fall. Two big let downs for me were Shark Night and Apollo 18. Now remember this is just my personal opinion and I know some of you might disagree but this article is meant for debate. Both of those films really were getting some buzz in the horror community however they both really lacked the thrill that was promised and the scares I expected to see.
What do you think was the biggest flop of 2011?
Wednesday 12/07/2011 at 06:46 PM | 88044
I was a little let down by Scream 4 to tell you the truth. I don't blame the film, I blame the insane hyperbole heaped upon it by critics who caught the early screenings. I went into it thinking I was going to see the greatest slasher flick in a decade or so, and I certainly didn't get that. Unfortunate that I allowed a preconceived notion to come into play with this one, I may have enjoyed it much more had things gone a bit different. I would also echo those sentiments and point them directly at Paranormal Activity 3. Again, another pretty decent flick, no doubt about it, but so far from the star of the franchise it's ludicrous to just t back and think of how many critics heralded it as such.
Wednesday 12/07/2011 at 11:27 PM | 88051
I gotta say I was pretty let down by Apollo 18. I bacally got three of my friends to go to the theater to see it with me just because I thought it would be interesting. When we left I just kept thinking "WTF? Moon rocks- those were the damn aliens?! Really? Fucking moon rocks?" I was pretty let down. The Thing was a big let down too, but I had a feeling it would be and I didn't pay to see that.
Nick Death
Thursday 12/08/2011 at 02:29 AM | 88059
Good article zombie10. I'm totally with you on Apollo 18. I caught this one as I was killing time one night in Murray, Ky. at the Cheri Theater. I specify this because it's the theater where I saw my very first feature film The Black Stallion.
Anyway, I went in hoping for a good movie. I hate to be so critical, but as a viewer....
A18 just didn't do it. Pretty much a boring trek through space with some guys who
*SPOILER ALERT*----------------------
had to fight off a bunch of damn rocks that turned into spiders??? the rest of the time it was walking around with strange little happenings here and there.
I haven't seen Shark Night, so I have nothing to say about it.
As far as what Matt said about PA. I saw the first one and was utterly confused by the hype. It was not entertaining at all. I certainly will not waste my time with 2 or 3.
There will be films. Some will be fantastic, some will flop.
Thursday 12/08/2011 at 02:47 AM | 88060
I would also echo those sentiments and point them directly at Paranormal Activity 3. Again, another pretty decent flick, no doubt about it, but so far from the star of the franchise it's ludicrous to just t back and think of how many critics heralded it as such.
Paranormal Activity 3 was certainly the biggest let down of 2011 for me for the reason that Matt perfectly nailed.
Well acted and well directed (I LOVE Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman), but just mply not the horror gem that was so heralded as much as the film was prior to it's release. Plus I definitely think it was the least entertaining (and scary) of the series. 1 and 2 were far better.
Thursday 12/08/2011 at 07:36 AM | 88063
I was a little let down by Scream 4 to tell you the truth. I don't blame the film, I blame the insane hyperbole heaped upon it by critics who caught the early screenings. I went into it thinking I was going to see the greatest slasher flick in a decade or so, and I certainly didn't get that. Unfortunate that I allowed a preconceived notion to come into play with this one, I may have enjoyed it much more had things gone a bit different. I would also echo those sentiments and point them directly at Paranormal Activity 3. Again, another pretty decent flick, no doubt about it, but so far from the star of the franchise it's ludicrous to just t back and think of how many critics heralded it as such.
I haven't seen PA3 but as I stated in another article Scream 4 was a super big disappointment and it's very surpring to find out that fans actually liked it! It's not even the fact that the original is 10x better if not more, but they omitted plenty of things that made the original so great and they missed plenty of opportunities to place homages to the first film. I was really hoping to hear the Youth of America song at the Stab Party, not to mention the zombie ghostface mask that should have been used in a Stab remake shown on the screen poking fun at RZ Halloween. It is also very questionable that they had a replica dummy of Casey Becker hanging at the party but didn't even show it in the film, plus they took out the aftermath of the opening kills which would have made their dialogue a bit later make more sense. I could seriously go on for hours but you get my drift.
Thursday 12/08/2011 at 09:58 AM | 88072
Shark Night was amazing. Now that I've got that out of the way, I have a three-way tie for biggest let-down:
INDIOUS - Yeah, I really was let down by Indious. Everyone I came in contact to before my viewing raved on and on about how "terrifying" and it was. Yeah, I watched it and after about an hour I realized it wasn't scary at all and I was actually kind of bored. Well, near the end there were two (count 'em two) moments I found scary, and that was it. Yes the acting and effects and all that were great, but the whole film was lagging. I can see why some people find it scary, but it just did not work for me.
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 - The first PA is the only filmI have seen that has genuinely scared the living bejeezus out of me. The second one had its scary moments, and while it did not match the scariness of #1, it was still a solid watch. Three, however, is terrible. I could go into full detail about how this film is awful, but I'll stick with the majors, with numero uno being the comic relief. I don't know if the directors got word of this, but comic reliefs do not work in found footage movies. Had this just been a regular haunted house movie I would have (maybe; he was very annoying) enjoyed the relief (I just LOVED how the audience burst out laughing whenever he said "fuck"), but the little scares this film has to offer were totally obliterated by this killer. Come on.
APOLLO 18 - It has some great atmosphere and acting, but it doesn't really make use of its awesome concept and winds up being rather tedious. How 'bout a remake?
And for the record, yeah, Shark Night's awesome and Indious is not worthwhile.
Thursday 12/08/2011 at 09:30 PM | 88088