Initially written as a proposed prequel to the Saw franchise, The Collector hit theaters in 2009. Producers obviously weren’t keen on pitching a Saw prequel, and the film went on to be shot as a standalone feature. A technical mishap in terms of pure financial draw, the film won many over, but earned much heated backlash from a multitude of critics for a number of reasons. The most glaring issues were the obvious Saw milarities (at the time many were oblivious to the original intent of the script) and just a few too many plot holes to mply disregard without a second thought.
What plot holes you ask? Well, primarily the fact that one man was capable of manufacturing countless torture contraptions in a matter of hours (based on the film’s timeline, I’d guess somewhere between x and eight hours). Along with this conspicuous weakness comes the fact that the “collector’s” motives feel a bit strange: He’s said to collect human beings, but who exactly is this pesky exterminator collecting? He traps individuals in commercial zed safes, but these prisoners are referred to as “bait”: so, where is the real object of dered posseson, and the logical payoff?
These are unquestionable flaws in the film, however, as obvious as these imperfections are, the film is still a highly enjoyable and very stylized slasher flick with some disconcerting gore, a couple really polished performances (where the hell has Josh Stewart been??), and a new serial killer who just so happens to rock a highly disturbing mask in order to conceal his identity. Did I mention those eyes of his are eerie as shit?
Despite the general perception of The Collector, the film functions on tenon and claustrophobia more than anything (particularly the "torture porn" element of the flick, which so much emphas was hoisted upon during it's initial release). And as it just so happens, had a few holes been filled, I think this could have actually been a stellar Saw prequel. However, that was not meant to be, and with a sequel tapped for release next year, it’s probably a good thing this picture wasn’t tied into the Saw series. “The Collection” should afford
Marcus Dunstan the chance to answer a lot of the questions birthed in the first feature, which could go a long way to making the original more endearing to fans, as well as launching a quality new franchise that's powered by logical actions, no matter how maniacal or sadistic (I'm treading oxymoron territory here).
We spend so much time discusng Leslie Vernon, Victor Crowley and Chromeskull it seems we’ve forgotten the Collector. It’s about time we pay proper respect to what could blossom into another contemporary icon!