I’m more than likely going to be bombarded with a hefty load of criticism for this piece, and I head into this topic expecting such. Opinions will always vary, as they should, we’re dealing with subjective matter here; it goes beyond the cold hard facts, and taps into one’s personal opinion. So, don’t throw me to the wolves if you disagree with some of my picks, just be kind (no need to rewind) and provide your input as to whether you agree, or disagree.
#5: Shark Night 3D
I absolutely refuse to dive too deep into this film. I’ll mply say this: Shark Night 3D was an abysmal attempt to cash in on the success that the insanely fun, Piranha 3D yielded. Unfortunately for fans, director David Ellis and Relativity Media, this is just one masve black eye that can’t seem to fade away fast enough.
#4: Children of the Corn: Genes
Holy shit what a convoluted piece of trash this offering proved to be. Technically the film is a disaster on all fronts, the picture’s sound is not only embarrasng, it sounds remarkably cheap; I can’t discredit the acting enough to really drive home how bad it is, and there are loads of sequences that seem completely detached from the films core idea. Waste-of-time!
#3: Red Riding Hood
Just when I thought the Twilight franchise took the cake in brainless trendy teen-aimed horror, along comes Red Riding Hood; an uninspired, sloppily assembled film that not only drags on unnecessarily, but actually drags down the performances of a few key actors, namely, Gary Oldman. Why the hell he ever agreed to shoot this picture is beyond me, but he did, and it didn’t do him a damn favor. Luckily, the man is unbelievably talented, and this picture won’t transcend past accomplishments, and shouldn’t transfer over into any form of negative perception for the seasoned vet.
#2: Deadtime Stories Volume 1
There really isn’t much to say about this anthology, well, at least not anything potive. There’s a hint of potential in each segment, but that potential evaporates quickly, leaving viewers with three nearly unbearable shorts. A shame that George Romero’s name is all over this: George, you’re so, so much better than this!
#1: Hellraiser Revelations
I understand the fact that Dimenon churned out this piece of trash in quite the rush in order to maintain rights to the franchise. That however, is no excuse for this soulless effort that can only be labeled as complete, utter trash. This movie alone has ensured that I may never revit the franchise, outde of the first two films, it was just that fucking terrible.On the cusp of this list: Apollo 18, NUFF SAID
Follow Matt Molgaard on Twitter
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 06:57 PM | 88709
I am like the only person who LOVED Shark Night. Granted, it was cheesy, lly, and a tad stupid, but I had so much fun with it. It's not one to be taken seriously, and I like to think of it as like those 80s slashers that are made purely to provide some mindless fun.
Children of the Corn: Genes was hit and miss. It didn't fit in well with the series in the slightest, but it was alright. The acting wasn't horrendous, and a couple of scenes were cool. All in all, it was average.
As for the others, they blow. Red Riding Hood was one of the shittiest movies ever made. Like...pathetic. Although I did laugh at the CGI talking dog and the bootylicious dances to the modern day pop muc.
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 07:21 PM | 88710
LOL. What the hell happened with Apollo 18?! That movie reeked of incompetence, all around. The trailers are better than the actual movie.
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 07:31 PM | 88711
I am like the only person who LOVED Shark Night. Granted, it was cheesy, lly, and a tad stupid, but I had so much fun with it. It's not one to be taken seriously, and I like to think of it as like those 80s slashers that are made purely to provide some mindless fun.
Children of the Corn: Genes was hit and miss. It didn't fit in well with the series in the slightest, but it was alright. The acting wasn't horrendous, and a couple of scenes were cool. All in all, it was average.
As for the others, they blow. Red Riding Hood was one of the shittiest movies ever made. Like...pathetic. Although I did laugh at the CGI talking dog and the bootylicious dances to the modern day pop muc.
You're not alone, pal. I thought Shark Night was the third best of the year! Granted, I haven't seen all the horror movies of 2011 (I still need to check out Attack the Block, Grave Encounters, Stake Land, Human Centipede 2, Red State, etc.), but I thought Shark Night was just great. I honestly did not like Piranha 3D all that much, because the whole thing felt hollow. I didn't think anything too interesting happened in the course of the movie (despite that awesome bloodbath near the end), and it went exactly where I thought it would go. Shark Night treated it seriously while also having fun with it and threw in some awesome twists. However, I have a feeling that Piranha 3DD is going to blow both films out of the water (pun not intended).
But to each his own, and I agree with the rest of your choices.
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 07:45 PM | 88712
I love the list but I have to include CREATURE (2011) to it as well. It was a personal hell that I sat through and one that I am still amazed made it to theaters around the country!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 07:57 PM | 88713
Oh and I agree, APOLLO 18 was a huge missed opportunity in my opinion! Great little de note there at the end Matt. :)
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 07:58 PM | 88714
Creature was really close to making the list, but a few factors kept it omitted: There were a couple (I stress a couple) of shots of the creature that actually looked cool. It was nice to see the CGI dispensed with in favor of practical effects, though on screen execution was def minimalized to a degree, and the flick definitely brought a feeling of nostalgia for me.
All that said, it was a crappy movie with a crappy script, and it never should have hit theaters. But, those are the reasons it narrowly missed this list.
Have you checked out the latest podcast episode? We get into some controveral shit with josh Hammond - straight up addresng Victor Salva's criminal past, and we get good and into it. Josh drops a nice hint about Jeepers Creepers 3 too. Fun show, def worth a listen!
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 08:35 PM | 88716
LOL. What the hell happened with Apollo 18?! That movie reeked of incompetence, all around. The trailers are better than the actual movie.
Pretty much if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie.
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 09:46 PM | 88717
I got Deadtime Stories on a blind buy. I tried my hardest to find good in it cause I hate to know I wasted money. But I couldn't trick myself into enjoying it. All around a bad experience.
Wednesday 12/28/2011 at 11:40 PM | 88718
LOL. What the hell happened with Apollo 18?! That movie reeked of incompetence, all around. The trailers are better than the actual movie.
Pretty much if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie.
You are so right Malison!
Thursday 12/29/2011 at 02:55 AM | 88724
You're not alone, pal. I thought Shark Night was the third best of the year! Granted, I haven't seen all the horror movies of 2011 (I still need to check out Attack the Block, Grave Encounters, Stake Land, Human Centipede 2, Red State, etc.), but I thought Shark Night was just great. I honestly did not like Piranha 3D all that much, because the whole thing felt hollow. I didn't think anything too interesting happened in the course of the movie (despite that awesome bloodbath near the end), and it went exactly where I thought it would go. Shark Night treated it seriously while also having fun with it and threw in some awesome twists. However, I have a feeling that Piranha 3DD is going to blow both films out of the water (pun not intended).
I actually just recently checked out Red State, and it really has no affiliation with the horror genre whatsoever. I know there's been a lot of talk relating this new perspective of Kevin Smith to the horror world, but having a group of religious nuts who hate and kill anyone whose beliefs contradict their own would have a "more proper" clasfication placed on the drama shelf (or thriller at best). Not that this was a bad film, but if your anticipating horror you may be disappointed.
Thursday 12/29/2011 at 02:56 PM | 88742
You know what really sucks, that our beloved genre produces way too many turds!! It's frustrating as hell. We amp up all these movies because most of them show such great promise, but in the end a majority of them are bad, and I mean really really bad. Don't get me wrong there are a hand full of exceptions such as Indious, Stake Land, Mother's Day, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and a few choice others. But it's really disheartening to know that only 1 true horror film made the top 25 Grosng Films for 2011 and that was Paranormal Activity 3. ( Super 8 also made the list, but technically it's more of a sci-fi flick) How pathetic is that?
Thursday 12/29/2011 at 10:52 PM | 88763
LOL. What the hell happened with Apollo 18?! That movie reeked of incompetence, all around. The trailers are better than the actual movie.
Pretty much if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie.
You are so right Malison!Thank you. I totally agree. (and I actually went to a theater to see this to kill time. I almost killed myself after it was over)
Friday 12/30/2011 at 03:23 AM | 88771
I am way behind on my views of 2011 movies. Out of that list the only thing I saw was Red Riding Hood. I thought some of the cinematography was nice and the use of the red hood was spectacular (although it only made it into one freaking scene), it was an absolute snore fest. I knew going in it was aimed at the Twilight crowd but it ended up being even more vapid. The "big bad wolf" was a joke and the twist was needless to say the least. Amanda Seyfried did look quite delightful though.
The whole thing ended up being very easy to mock and I rather enjoyed it for that. As for being a good movie, it failed majorly.
Friday 12/30/2011 at 07:28 AM | 88777
I am way behind on my views of 2011 movies. Out of that list the only thing I saw was Red Riding Hood. I thought some of the cinematography was nice and the use of the red hood was spectacular (although it only made it into one freaking scene), it was an absolute snore fest. I knew going in it was aimed at the Twilight crowd but it ended up being even more vapid. The "big bad wolf" was a joke and the twist was needless to say the least. Amanda Seyfried did look quite delightful though.
The whole thing ended up being very easy to mock and I rather enjoyed it for that. As for being a good movie, it failed majorly.
having not seen these films is a good thing my friend!
Friday 12/30/2011 at 06:31 PM | 88788
Paranormal Activity 3! Each viewing of that film gets worse and worse
Sunday 1/01/2012 at 12:24 AM | 88842
Creature is by far the worst movie this year, i cant believe i actually went to the theater to see that. I honestly couldnt believe how bad it was, I was hoping for a little more Hatchet style and instead all we got was the complete crap and to top it off all the kills where off screen, lol
I do want to see Shark Night, probably renting it this week, will hold off on buying it, glad to see a couple of you enjoyed it, not excited that its pg13 but still looks fun
Tuesday 1/03/2012 at 04:33 PM | 88926
having not seen these films is a good thing my friend
LOL :)
I will admit I have a weird thing when it comes to seeing the worst of the worst. Whenever I see a really, truly awful movie, it helps me to appreciate the movies that get it right.
This also reminded me of The Roommate. One of the worst of the recent crop of "horror" movies. This movie was clearly aimed at the tween crowd and even they weren't falling for it. A movie filled with incredibly attractive people doing some of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
Tuesday 1/03/2012 at 05:32 PM | 88933