Progress is being made as things move along nicely for the new 1980's style slasher film "Teachers' Day" also known as "Blood School." Things can go bad when you mix teacher/student relationships. Read more below for the latest details from Frolic Pictures.
From The Press Release:
Frolic Pictures, in Hollywood, is slated to shoot a new 80′s style slasher next month. "Teachers' Day" AKA "Blood School". The love-letter to video trash of yesteryear will be brought to the screen by jilted writer/director Jared Masters. Scored by Sean Gibson, shot by Tim McCombe, with production degn by Adam Trash.
The story involves a Napoleon Bonaparte obsessed high school educator, Ty Anderson, whose minor online communication with a teang student finds him immediately terminated from school grounds, which snaps him into a psychotic killing spree, terrorizing his former female students at their slumber party.
The film features Bruce Kade, Kris Black, Art Roberts, Dawna Lee Heing, Paul Tirado, Courtney Rood, Anthony Del Negro, Sunny Vachher, and Savannah Matlow.
The film is set for a Friday, December 13th, 2013 release. The trailer for "Teachers' Day" is coming soon!