First off I want to thank my man t-doyle for the copy of H3. I finally got a chance to watch it and I am super glad I did. I suppose not involving Mikey I never really gave the film a chance therefore I never watched it. Sure I would see it on tv from time to time but I would catch maybe 15 minutes here and 15minutes thare (add that to your list McCain) but it was a really good dark movie. I believe if this film was not tied to the Halloween franchise it really would get the respect it deserves.
And after watching this movie it got me thinking. What if this movie didn't exist and instead they kept a lot of H4 plot but continued with the mask from the first two films and called it Hallowen 3? Now I know the mask at the end of H2 had to be pieces of charred rubber but lets say the blaze wasn't so grand and they toned it down a bit. After all even with the huge exploon Loomis still only had a few scars
Would a slightly charred Myers mask with some added dirt and maybe some nged hair have made it over with the fans? And what do you picture when you see the mask? Interested to hear everyones thoughts....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 10:28 PM | 7278
Somebody actually did a fantastic bust of what Myers would have looked like at the end of H2...I'll take a look for it
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 10:59 PM | 7281
I would love to see Terry do up a veron of his Warlock in this style. I think
it would totally kick ass!
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:03 PM | 7282
oh it would have been more than slightly charred!!!!!
i think they could have made it completely melted to his face to where it truly was his face now and it would have been hella creepy
Johnny Bisco
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:11 PM | 7283
found it...
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:17 PM | 7284
No way! Great find Lee. That is a bit more charred than I would like for Mike but that really looks cool, has a great zombie look to it. I think it is so cool though that someone took the time to make one of these...
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:20 PM | 7285
very cool man but a bit too jason like ala part 7
for my taste
Johnny Bisco
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:28 PM | 7286
It actually looks like a cool Myers mask and I am digging the blood tears made it through the fire....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Wednesday 4/02/2008 at 11:30 PM | 7287
Well glad you it again and you will get to see the short appearance of myers
Matthew Mayhem
Thursday 4/03/2008 at 01:14 AM | 7336
I think the mask should have been a total loss after h2. He should have aquired another in the hardware store like in h4. I would have done it a little differently. I would have a female coworker staying late to close the store and have her looking into the mirror that jamie broke and have michael come crashing through it and killing her with a broken part of the mirror. There he could get his knife and mask off the shelf. With all of the halloween makeup present on the shelf he could have taken the kirk and smudged white clown paint just over the face without cutting the eyes. That would be a cool looking mask just like in h4.
I think they could have kept it a little better because he isnt a mask maker and Thats a clasc smash and grab tuation you would hear about.
but h3 rocks and I love its place in the series.
Thursday 4/03/2008 at 11:05 AM | 7383
Here is a profesonal artists interpretation of what Michael would have looked like in H3
Thursday 4/03/2008 at 03:03 PM | 7391