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so what do you guys think?
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Monday 9/28/2009 at 05:34 AM | 55398
I really dig Freddy's new look
The atmosphere of the movie looks proming.
Let's hope this one is scary
We need more scary movies
Monday 9/28/2009 at 05:52 AM | 55399
I really dig Freddy's new look
The atmosphere of the movie looks proming.
Let's hope this one is scary
We need more scary movies
Agreed K! After seeing Trick 'r Treat I have high expectations now for future horror movies. Not sure if that says how good Trick 'r Treat is or just how bad recent movies I've seen have been, either way Nightmare gives me a shred of hope.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Monday 9/28/2009 at 06:01 AM | 55400
I don't know guys, to me Robert Englund is Freddy.
This isn't a lent killer hiding behind a mask.
I just don't know if I'll ever be able to warm up to Freddy's new face and voice.
I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not that excited about this one.
Also, from that last shot of Freddy's face, I'm not liking the new look at all.
Monday 9/28/2009 at 06:05 AM | 55401
The trailer looks great and the film really looks well made. I also am liking the slant they seem to be adding where Freddy is maybe an innocent victim wrongly accused who comes back for revenge as opposed to being a sure child molester/killer.
His face (albeit a quick peek) looks ck and was almost reminiscent of Gary Oldman's character in HANNIBAL. Its going to be a long wait for this one though!
ny ghoul
Monday 9/28/2009 at 06:12 AM | 55402
I don't know guys, to me Robert Englund is Freddy.
This isn't a lent killer hiding behind a mask.
I just don't know if I'll ever be able to warm up to Freddy's new face and voice.
I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not that excited about this one.
Also, from that last shot of Freddy's face, I'm not liking the new look at all.
Oh Gummi, you're such a perfectionist when it come to Freddy Yea, I will definetly miss Robert E. though.
As Robert was the Bela Lugo of Freddy, I'm hoping this guy will become the Christopher Lee of the franchise
Monday 9/28/2009 at 06:57 AM | 55404
I don't know guys, to me Robert Englund is Freddy.
This isn't a lent killer hiding behind a mask.
I just don't know if I'll ever be able to warm up to Freddy's new face and voice.
I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not that excited about this one.
Also, from that last shot of Freddy's face, I'm not liking the new look at all.
yeah Gummi, what do you know. You suck!I do know where you're coming from man. Both Joel and I are the most skeptical about this film out of all of them because of the reasons you mention. At the same time though I have more hope about this one now then the others because they have come and gone and no lived up to the hype in my opinion. Hopefully going in a bit skeptical on this one will make me appreciate it once I see it. Time will tell I guess. Wonder what Englund thought of the trailer?(j/k)
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Monday 9/28/2009 at 07:30 AM | 55405
I have to say i really like the look of it from the trailer but also was not fond of Freddy's look from the quick glimps they give or the voice. That is probably more cause of being so used to Freddy being the face and voice of Robert for all them years. I think I could deal with the face being different more so then the voice. There was just something about Robert's voice that made it so demonic. Overall though I do look forward to seeing this and hopefully it will be one of the better remakes.
Monday 9/28/2009 at 11:58 AM | 55409
I watched the trailer a couple of times and there was something about it that just didn't t right with me. After about the third time watching it it hit me. He was running from them in the very beginning saying he didn't do anything. That's not the Freddy I've come to know and love. Freddy knew he did it, the parents knew he did it, hell even the cops knew he did it, but due to a technicality he was able to get off Scott free, that's why the parents were so pissed and killed him, they felt justice wasn't served and took matters into their own hands. If he was innocent the whole time then I think it takes away from his character. He was a child murderer in life and a child murderer in death and that's how it should be. As for his look, I cant say much because you cant really get a good look at him but from what you can see this new Freddy looks like a normal burn victim, whereas the original was more like a burned demon than an actual man. I didn't mind his voice so much it was different but you can sort of tell that tried to make it sound like Robert a bit. This may be a pretty good movie, from the trailer it looks like they might go with the same road that Friday the 13th took and pretty much mix all the movies together which I personally enjoyed, but then again it might go the way rob zombie went and copy the original which was not that good. Hopefully this movie will not suck so bad that it will kill the Nightmare franchise. I know one thing for sure though on April 30 platinum dunes will be getting my money.
Tuesday 9/29/2009 at 02:33 PM | 55458
I watched the trailer a couple of times and there was something about it that just didn't t right with me. After about the third time watching it it hit me. He was running from them in the very beginning saying he didn't do anything. That's not the Freddy I've come to know and love. Freddy knew he did it, the parents knew he did it, hell even the cops knew he did it, but due to a technicality he was able to get off Scott free, that's why the parents were so pissed and killed him, they felt justice wasn't served and took matters into their own hands. If he was innocent the whole time then I think it takes away from his character. He was a child murderer in life and a child murderer in death and that's how it should be. As for his look, I cant say much because you cant really get a good look at him but from what you can see this new Freddy looks like a normal burn victim, whereas the original was more like a burned demon than an actual man. I didn't mind his voice so much it was different but you can sort of tell that tried to make it sound like Robert a bit. This may be a pretty good movie, from the trailer it looks like they might go with the same road that Friday the 13th took and pretty much mix all the movies together which I personally enjoyed, but then again it might go the way rob zombie went and copy the original which was not that good. Hopefully this movie will not suck so bad that it will kill the Nightmare franchise. I know one thing for sure though on April 30 platinum dunes will be getting my money.
Well said, alot of people are saying reMAKE when this in actuality is a reIMAGINING i'm a huge Horror/Robert Englund fan so am looking foward to see how the new guy does, that being said FEARnet approached me to help spread the word about the new webisodes "Fear Clinic" with Robert Englund. Have you heard about it? or plan on watching?
Check it out -
Wednesday 10/21/2009 at 07:49 PM | 56758
Although I'm still not a huge Freddy fan, I am very much excited for this remake (if it is done right). As long as it's not a carbon copy of the original I think I will like it. The glimpse of the tub scene is what worries me and makes me think it may be a duplicate.
Robert Englund no longer playing Freddy doesn't worry me either. For a short while it did, when we first heard the news that he wouldn't. But as soon as I knew Haley was casted for the part it gave me some relief. With as crazy as he is as Rorschach, I'm sure he'll make a great Freddy.
Thursday 10/22/2009 at 08:52 PM | 56825
Gonna miss Robert Englund! Haley has a big glove to fill! Still not sold on the new look gonna take some time & more footage. And was glad to hear they are still tweaking the voice!
Friday 10/23/2009 at 05:15 PM | 56889