This year marked the 30 year Anniversary of all that is GHOSTBUSTERS. There have been a lot of rumors going around as to what GHOSTBUSTERS 3 will eventually become. We have heard supposed plot details, possible actors, and a number of different bits and pieces being tossed around. We recently learned that Paul Feig, director of BRIDESMAIDS was in talks in an effort to snag the director's chair and that the third film could be lined up for a huge reboot, possible seeing a dominant female cast.
Regardless of all of the rumors and what if's for this one film, Dan Aykroyd spoke with THR and revealed his vision for the GHOSTBUSTERS future saying:
"It’s beyond just another sequel, a prequel, another TV show. I'm thinking what does the whole brand mean to Sony? What does Pixar and Star Wars mean to Disney? What does Marvel mean to Fox?"
On what these new movies could explore:
“...the whole mythology from the beginning of their lives, the end of their lives. Ghostbusters at nine years old, Ghostbusters in high school.
“The whole vehicle of Ghostbusters has to be rebuilt. That’s the ambitious thinking that’s going on now. Taking on the model of Marvel where we take all of the elements that are in this movie and we put them out there as different ideas.”
He also mentioned that the outlook is "not just another movie or another TV show, but what’s the totality of it?"
On the progress of the current script he adds:
"We need to write it."
That is a very interesting bit of news for sure. With that last part being said, it looks as if a GHOSTBUSTERS 3 won't be popping up in 2015. We will continue to follow more on this story.